Chapter 12

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First thing Monday morning, the three of us headed over to the school. The hope was to get in and out fast with permission from the school to work remotely for the week, and then we wouldn't be too far behind when we got back. That way there would be no calls home to parents. If the trip didn't take the whole week, then we had the choice of just relaxing and taking the classes at home or coming back to school. I was leaning towards working at home, though it would be weird being there with no staff at all, and three annoying statues in the basement.

Of course, it didn't work out that way. Principal Weaver was running late, and nobody wanted to decide if we could do our schoolwork remotely until he got there. So, we waited. That meant that we were still there when students started filing in, and there were a lot of stares from people passing by the office as they saw Dee and I in there together. Quin got even more stares, but nobody knew who she was, and she just stared back at them, seemingly able to ignore the people watching.

Finally, Mr. Weaver called us in, and I used the internship excuse on him again. He hesitated until I offered to get my Nana on the phone, at which point he caved. The only other time that he had talked to her was for a field trip that my parents hadn't been home to sign the slip for, and so he had me call her. She ripped him apart for questioning me and my integrity, and he had been visibly shaking when she was done talking.

Today he just assured us that he would contact the teachers and they would put the assignments up on the school web portal. Piece of cake.

For whatever reason though, there was a crowd of people, mostly seniors who knew Dee and I, waiting outside of the principal's office, no doubt wanting gossip or to substantiate the rumors. When we left the office, people cleared a path for us to head down the hallway to the classrooms, but we turned the other way, pushing ourselves through the crowd and heading for the parking lot and my car to get on the road. Luckily, Quin was leading the way, and was pushing through the crowd with ease, nobody wanted to get in her way, and she easily nudged anyone that was too slow off to the side.

It was going fine until Greg saw us.

"Damn Justin! You have all the gorgeous babes with you today!" He called out to me, and then slapped Quin right on the left butt cheek.

She whirled like a snake strike and had his wrist in a vice like grip before the sound of the slap had even reached my ears. She squeezed a little and he screamed while sinking to his knees. Just like that, Trey was the starting quarterback.

"Never touch me again!" She snarled. Is it wrong to think a snarl is sexy? Her snarl is sexy. Hell, the way she moves is sexy, like a lioness out on the savannah stalking prey. Actually, scratch that, it's kind of scary. Okay, and sexy.

"Damnit Greg, go see the damned nurse!" I ordered as he lay on the ground moaning. "And stop touching the girls!" Fuck! I felt bad, I knew that could affect his scholarship, but seriously, he needed to treat the girls in school better. Compared to the succubus though, he got off lucky.

We jogged the rest of the way to the car since nobody was getting in our way after seeing that.

It turned out that Quin really liked our music. I had put Dee in charge of the music, so I could concentrate on driving, and she was playing all kinds of music just to let Quin experience different styles. So far, she liked the heavy stuff, mostly rock with the guitar riffs and drums solos, as she claimed it would be perfect to fly to. It made me wish I could invent dragon sized headphones or earbuds so she could do that.

Okay, I was feeling sappy again.

But seriously, every time I glanced at her over in the passenger seat, she took my breath away. Yes, I know, she isn't human, and I saw what she did to Greg, but still, I couldn't stop thinking things.

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