Chapter 2

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The week with Nana went by fast, we hadn't discussed the checks or the company or work at all. Nana told her staff and the company that she was on vacation, and nobody bothered her the entire week. We hung out at the pool, did some school shopping and I was indeed able to reread a few of the books that I had loved when I was younger. Sometimes you just never grow out of your favorites. I had several days with Helen as well, who was always great to hang out with, so we got to have movie nights every evening where we'd watch whatever we could while munching on popcorn and m&m's. We started out with the Harry Potter series and ended with the extended cut of the Lord of the Rings. We even got my Nana involved when she demanded we watch all the Ocean's 11 movies so she could see George Clooney and Brad Pitt together.

Helen had been a marine for only three years before she hurt her knee in a training accident and had to get a medical discharge. She was constantly showing me new moves that she learned. I wasn't a fighter though, but it didn't stop her from trying to make me know how to protect myself, even if I was inept at it. I had grown up with her around a lot, as she was the daughter of one of my Nana's maids who had passed away when I was much younger. It helped that she was still young enough, only 23, that she could relate to the stuff I was going through in high school as well. She was great to have around, and I texted her almost as much as my grandmother.

She also was kind enough to drive me home after the week with Nana, chatting and listening to music the entire way. Taking a plane, like my parents had the week before, instead of a three-hour drive seemed pointless. So, she just dragged me to the car, letting me sit up front and pick out the music while we got home in decent time. "You going to be alright?" She asked when we finally got to the family estate. It was smaller than Nana's, but still much too big for just three people. We just sat in the car for a few minutes, not wanting to see them again.

"I should be. It might be tense, but it isn't like I asked Nana for anything, they brought it on themselves," I pointed out.

"I'm sure they'll have enough self-awareness to see that too," Helen scoffed, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

"True, they'll blame me. But my bet is on them trying to butter me up so they can start asking me for money once I take over the company," I theorized.

"I could see that," she agreed. "But don't give in to them."

"Not a chance. I trust Nana and her decisions."

Helen finally popped the trunk, and then helped me carry the bags in before giving me one final hug. "Keep in touch, I'll miss you," she added as she left.

I missed her already.

Once I looked around the house, I was surprised to find a note from my parents that they were out. I wasn't shocked that they were gone, but I was shocked they took the time to leave a note. Usually, they just left without a word. I had thought that with the news the previous week that they might try to spend more time at home, and save some of the money, but I guess that was just too much to ask from them. On the good side, at least I didn't have to deal with them the night before school started.

The first day of school, senior year, is supposed to be a monumental occasion. You're almost free, or you're going to own the school, or meet your new boyfriend/girlfriend/partner/whatever. For me it was just another day. One more year and I'd be learning the business of the company while doing a lot of online classwork. I didn't even have to worry about applications, it was all already set up.

School wasn't too far away, only 15 minutes by car. My grandmother had wanted to get me a fancy car when I turned 16, but I had just picked out a blue Mazda 3. It wasn't nearly as fancy as the cars she had wanted to get me, nor as expensive as those of most of the kids in school, but I was more than happy with it. I still had my assigned parking spot from the previous year, so I just pulled in and got the day started. One deep breath later, I was ready to go.

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