Chapter 21

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The water wasn't moving. Well, that wasn't true, it was moving. But just little waves lapping up on shore carrying a few scraps of grass and twigs that had been scattered into it from some distant island, and a few places where a mysterious looking orange beetle skimmed across the surface looking for something that only a beetle could explain.

But it most certainly wasn't responding to my summoning or begging and pleading for that matter.

"You're not trying to command the water itself," Quin tried to explain yet again. "You're trying to summon a water elemental and have that control the water for you."

"But how do I do that?" I was getting frustrated, and the constant failures was becoming annoying. We had been on the beach for hours, and the only one happy was Dee who was thrilled at how her tan was progressing. Helen was a close second, because she was constantly checking out Dee who was laying in the sand in her bra and panties while soaking up the sun. But at least Helen was trying to help, and so was sharing in my annoyance.

"What were you thinking of when it happened last time?" Dee called over to us as she rolled over onto her belly to get her back some color to match her front. Helen's jaw became a little unhinged as she realized that Dee was wearing a thong, and I nudged her a bit in the shoulder.

I thought back to what had been happening the previous day. "I was scared that Quin and I were going to drown, and I was almost out of air and didn't know what to do."

"So, get under the water, hold your breath and try again," Dee continued, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"That... That sounds like it could work," Quin mused.

"Just get in there and try to relax," Helen suggested. "When I get my visions, it is usually when I'm drowsy or my mind is unfocussed."

"Well, it can't hurt to try, nothing else is," I muttered as I stood up. I stripped down to my boxers and waded into the warm water.

I waded out into the water, enjoying the feel of the ocean as it lapped against my legs. The more I thought about Dee's idea, the more I liked it. If you're going to summon an element, perhaps immersing yourself in that element would help. Once I was up to my neck, I turned and looked back at the beach. All eyes were on me now, even Dee who had swung around to face the water while still tanning.

This could be an embarrassing failure.

Taking a breath, I ducked under the water, and let myself sink towards the sandy ocean floor. A few small fish swam by, evidently not afraid of me, but otherwise all was calm. Closing my eyes, I concentrated, trying to relax and see if I could establish some sort of connection. I couldn't feel a thing! The water was warm and clear, but there was nothing I could feel to bring an elemental into existence. I waited, sitting under the water until I felt my lungs would burst, until I didn't think I could stand it, and then nothing happened.

I put my feet down and stood, only my head above the water as I coughed and sputtered. What was I doing wrong? Did I need to add an element of danger? Or danger to one of my friends? Why couldn't this be easier? I took a deep breath, and submerged once more, hoping for a different outcome.

It didn't go well. After several hours, sitting under the water was driving me crazy, and having no progress made it worse. Clearing my mind and just relaxing was becoming harder and harder. My skin was becoming prune like, and the salt was making me itch all over, it was really a miserable experience. I stood up yet again from under the water and started walking towards the shore. Why was this so hard? How could I do it by accident once, and now nothing happens at all?

I was waist deep in the water when I punched the surface in frustration, and it exploded. Water shot on all directions, as though a boulder had been dropped into the ocean right at my feet, soaking everyone waiting on the shore as well. They all stared at me in shock, not comprehending what happened. I didn't understand either, why had that happened?

"What did you do?" Helen finally sputtered while spitting out water.

"I have no idea, I just hit the water, I was upset it hadn't worked!" I exclaimed in exasperation.

"Well obviously you did something, water doesn't normally act like that!" Dee laughed, covering her mouth in glee.

"Well, I didn't mean to! I was trying all day to summon the elementals, but nothing happened! Then I hit the water once and that happens? How does that make sense?" I was getting angrier at the situation, not understanding what was happening, and now I was craving food to the point that my body was almost trembling with the hunger. I hadn't eaten much other than a few of the yarbia fruit earlier in the morning, and I was craving more. "Anyone think we could do some fishing?"

All three of them grinned at me until Helen pointed behind me. Looking over my shoulder, I could see a globe of water hovering over the rippling waves with at least a dozen fish in it. How the hell did that happen?

"Does anyone have any idea what the fuck is happening?" I finally groaned.

"Let's get those fish, and then we'll figure it out," Quin suggested. "I am hungry as well."

It didn't take long to collect the fish, seeing as they were stranded in midair after all, and before long Helen had some grilling over a small fire going thanks to some waterproof matches from the first aid kits. The food helped, a lot. The fruit had been nice, but at the end of the day it was just fruit. But the fish was delicious and did a lot more to satisfy my hunger. I didn't know what they were called, but the meat was white and flaky, and it tasted divine. As hungry as I was there wasn't much that wouldn't taste good, but in this case the fish was one of the best I'd ever eaten.

"I needed that," I sighed in contentment as I lay back against the tree yet again. "Thanks for cooking," Helen nodded at me in reply as she chewed contentedly.

"I think we all needed that," Dee agreed.

"Dee, I think I owe you a reward on the idea of getting into the water too, it evidently worked somehow even if I don't understand it. Helen, give her a kiss for me," I grinned over at the two of them who just blushed back at me.

Quin just stared at the three of us, evidently human mating rituals were a little weirder than those of dragons.

"I mean, us, we... We're not...," Dee stammered.

"Seriously? You two obviously like each other, and I know you said you're figuring it out. but we're stuck on a world far away from our own. Now that I think about it, we also destroyed our way home, so by all means just kiss and figure it out quicker. As your friend and brother, I approve," I smiled over at them.

Helen just shrugged, then leaned over and gave Dee a quick pack on the lips. Dee immediately dropped her fish and grabbed her cheeks and pulled her in for a longer kiss. It was about time.

Quin just raised her eyebrows at me. "Is this typical for humans?"

"Well, I mean we don't all just kiss the first thing that is summoned to kill us," I grinned back up at her. She smiled back, maybe she got the joke. Dragon humor was still new to me.

"Dragons are much different in our mating; my brothers just flew with their partners, and it was done. There is much less courtship. Dee and Helen seem quite nervous for all that they genuinely care for each other," she observed as Dee and Helen lay whispering and giggling.

"And you?" I inquired.

"I have not mated yet. I've been too busy fighting," she frowned.

"Well, hopefully we can fix that," I said hopefully.

She raised her eyebrows in surprise at me, and I realized what I said.

"I'm sorry, I meant we'll fix the fighting part, so you can have time to find a mate. I didn't mean anything else!" My face much have looked like one of those yarbia seeds!

"I understand what you meant, and no offence is taken," she chuckled. "I'll have to see where things stand when the war is over. I do hope we can find a way to win, it would be nice to have peace for a change," she added with a sigh. "The mate my mother suggested is not to my liking, so perhaps I'll have to find another option."

"We'll get you the peace you need," I promised, wondering what kind of options she might mean.

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