Chapter 35

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I was awakened the next morning by soft kisses on my lips, and I opened my eyes to see Quin's eyes staring back at me, a broad grin upon her face. "Good morning my mate," she whispered as I got my bearings.

"Well, someone is in a good mood this morning!" I kissed her back, enjoying the feeling of her body pressed against mine.

"After last night, I'm going to be in a good mood for a long time," she smirked. I couldn't help but blush in response. I would have never thought that such an experience was possible, or that I'd want her to do that to me over and over.

"As much as I'd love to lay here with you all day, and recreate last night several times, I think we probably need to get our little group moving. We need to track down my grandfather," I sighed. I really didn't want to go, but between Quin's banishment, and Talkorn's escape, we had to go. "I'm going to go clean up in the ocean and see if the girls are awake. Hopefully, we can eat while we travel today."

Quin nodded in agreement, and I stood and stretched, feeling my joints pop after the exertion of the previous night. My body flinched as her hand reached out to cup me in mid-stretch, and I shivered in desire, while she smiled over at me. "Until tonight, my mate."

I smiled back, "I can't wait!" Quickly slipping on my shorts, I made my way over to the girls' hut and poked my head in to see them stirring a little. "Let's go ladies! We have a base to go take over!"

I heard indistinguishable grumbling in response, but at least they started moving. I made my way down to the beach and dove right into the warm ocean water. I'd been to several beaches back on earth, but so far none could compare to the soft sand and clear water of the ones on these islands, Dee was right about vacationing here. I knelt in the shallow water and took some of that soft sand and started to scrub my body where I could. It wouldn't be as good as a real shower or bath, but I'd be a little cleaner for it.

I was sitting and scrubbing my feet when I heard the girls approaching from the huts. "Holy shit, what happened to you?" I heard Dee cry out.

I looked over my shoulder to see who she was talking to, and saw her wide eyes focused on me. Helen was just smirking, and Quin had a satisfied smile on her face. "Huh? What are you talking about?" Did I have jellyfish on me or something?

"Your back!" She exclaimed.

I tried looking over my shoulder to see what she was talking about, but that was useless. Anyone who has tried looking at their own back without a mirror knows that doesn't work. "Well, it isn't like I can see it!" I yelled back.

Helen finally burst out laughing, reaching up and slapping Quin on the shoulder. "Damn girl, you're kinky!" Quin just looked confused. I don't think kinky was in the dragon vocabulary.

"Oh!" I finally realized. All the talon scratches and healing must have left marks on my skin. I could only imagine what my ass cheeks looked like, but I wasn't checking that around Dee and Helen! "Umm, yeah, it was a good night. Now get cleaned up so we can go!" I stood and walked back towards our hut, pausing only long enough to lean up and kiss Quin. "I guess everyone knows I'm yours now," I winked before hurrying back to get dressed. Before putting on my shorts I checked for other marks, only to see matching grip marks and tiny scars on each cheek. Nude modelling was definitely not in my future, but I had a suspicion that future scars would be. I smiled at the thought.

Once everyone was cleaned up, we all piled back into the boat and kept heading back towards the base. Quin was confident that we could make it back to the base before dark, even with the roundabout way we were going, and my nerves kept growing as we went. Would my grandfather be there when we arrived? Would we be able to defeat him? I'd been free to use my elementals before, but he could do the same. I wouldn't have much of a chance to fight him if he were better at it that I was, and with his years of practice he most certainly would be.

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