Chapter 25

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The moan was loud, and Quin and I froze in place. I didn't dare to look over at Dee and Helen, though I heard some rustling.

"You guys Alright?" Helen grumbled.

"Yeah, I think I just pressed too hard when I was massaging her wing," I whispered back over my shoulder to her, trying not to wake Dee.

"Well, be more careful, she was hurt pretty bad," she chuckled softly, "And use a condom."

I might die of embarrassment now. I hung my head, laying it against Quin's good shoulder as she kept holding me and I tried to rein in my obviously excited body.

"Why did you stop?" Quin asked, worry on her face. "Did I hurt you?"

"No, but Helen saw, and that was... embarrassing," I kept my eyes down, not wanting her to see my own worry.

"Is that frowned upon in your world? Mating shouldn't be seen?" Quin was curious.

"Yeah, usually it is, unless you're drunk at a party or something. Most people try to make that private. Helen is my sister; I don't think she wants to see me doing anything like that with you. Dee would probably scream in embarrassment as well," I mumbled.

"So, if we were more private, you would want to mate with me?" She asked, causing me to whip my eyes up to her face to see a sly smile.

"Are you serious?" my voice rose in pitch and my heart started pounding in my ears.

"Justin, I want to mate with you," Quin stated in a low voice. "I know that a human and dragon mating may seem unnatural, but you have made me feel things that no living creature ever has, and I want to feel more of that."

"Do our bodies even fit together? I don't know about your anatomy," I wanted this, but I was terrified.

She looked down between us at the remains of my shorts as I straddled her, taking in my obvious excitement, then looked back at me with a smirk. "Based on your current state, I think we would fit together just fine."

What the hell do I do now? I obviously couldn't stay in this little shelter and do what Quin most certainly is hinting at wanting to do. Alright, that wasn't a hint, she most certainly wants to. But she isn't human, wouldn't most people feel that is unnatural? Why don't I feel that way? I've wanted her since the very first time I saw her.

I closed my eyes and imagined a new shelter, bringing a wall down behind us to keep Dee and Helen warm, but giving us a new room further away that had a raised stone platform and a fire for warmth. I stood up and held out my hand to help Quin up, which might have been a mistake as she almost pulled my arm off as she got to her feet, and then gathered as many of the palm fronds as I could to place on the platform. It might be stone, but I thought that would be better than the sandy ground of the island getting where it shouldn't be. No 5-star hotels when you need them, right?

I piled the fronds high on the platform as Quin eyes me curiously. "Is this okay?" I asked nervously. My heart was in my throat at this point, I wasn't sure what dragons liked or expected and all I could think was that I was going to mess this up somehow.

She smiled at me, then nodded. "You didn't have to go through all of this trouble, but that does look more comfortable than the other options. Thank you."

I walked around the platform to her and took her hands in mine as I looked up into her eyes, looking myself as I could see myself reflected in the copper pools. I steadied my nerves with a deep breath. "Are you sure you want this? With me? I've never done this before, and I might not be the best person for this."

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