Chapter 3

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(I'm back with another chapter.
Pokemon is not mine. The above picture is a screenshot.

A few weeks almost two months into his journey and Gary was almost suffering from a heart attack seeing Ash on the news battling against Team Rocket. They had found Lugia the Legendary Pokemon of Kanto and Ash was battling to free him and the bird trio from Team Rocket's clutches. Ash's mom and her new fiance, Emmaline Jenny had joined Professor Oak as he went with the news reporter to find out what was happening. Seeing her son fight against Team Rocket was not what Delia was expecting to see and to say she was unhappy was a really big understatement. Ash had managed to free Lugia after winning against the admin before he freed the three Elemental Bird Legendaries. Ash then headed towards what looked like a temple to Gary and did something there before he heard a tune being played.

Gary called Green at that moment, "I need a ride to the Orange Islands, pronto to be specific."

Green, "You saw what happened on TV, huh?"

Gary, "Yeah, and I think I lost a few years of my life."

Green huffed, "I feel the same way when Red goes and does stupid shit like that..... And speak of the devil."

Red burst into Green's office, "Did you see the news?"

Green, "Yup and Gary called because of it."

Red, "Gold is gonna flip, he is obssessed with Lugia. How are you holding up Gary?"

Gary, "I'm good! I'm good! I freaked out earlier already now I'm good."

Green, "Gary, I got the Alakazam transport ready for you. Go to him."

Gary nodded as he hung up after thanking him and saw the Alakazam waiting to take him to the Jhoto and Orange Archipelago border. There he met up with another Alakazam and went with him towards the Shamoutii Islands taking three breaks in between. After four hours of traveling via teleportation, Gary saw Ash resting with Lugia when he landed on the Island. Ash was fast asleep, leaning against the Legendary Pokemon and Lugia was observing him before he spoke making Gary gape.

Lugia, -You must be my Chosen child's mate.-

Gary, "You talk... Ah! Yes I am."

Lugia, -Come closer child, my Chosen never stopped thinking about you through the fight.-

Gary blinked before he blushed, "I have never stopped thinking about him either."

Lugia then opened his wing to welcome Gary to sit next to Ash and Gary smiled as he sat next to his boyfriend who stirred. Ash looked up at Gary and gave a sleepy smile greeting him softly and Gary greeted him back before holding him close to snuggle with him. Ash was alive and okay in Gary's arms and that was all that mattered to him currently, Gary realized he would probably cut off his journey in Jhoto for a while to stick to Ash, not like it would be hard, he already had four badges and the Jhoto-Kanto badges' expiry was after two years. The media on the other hand was on a frenzy seeing them together again that too with Lugia watching over them. Green burst out laughing when he saw the title his baby cousin and Ash got from the media, 'Lugia Blessed Lovers'. Red snorted at the title but didn't say anything, at least it was no longer him or his lover being targeted by the vultures anymore. Misty had called followed by Surge and Erika and Gary had answered instead of Ash. Ash was sleeping deeply and refused to wake up making Gary worry.

Lugia, -Calm little one.-

Gary, "He won't wake up."

Lugia nodded, -That's because it was the first time he used his aura that too without any prior training. It has exhausted him greatly.-

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