CH 9: You have to compensate me

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chapter 9


Thank you for all your warm messages! I am feeling okay now! ❤️

Thank you for waiting!💓😭


One woman was stomping on her way to their superior's office. She didn't even bother to knock before entering.

"Jimin-ah! Why am I banned from training?" Sowon furiously not even minding her formalities or even rank.

Jimin's brows furrowed, his dark eyes smoldering as his ears perked up from how Sowon called him.

"Did you forget your manners in China, Cadet Sowon?" He coldly said emphasizing the word Cadet telling her that she doesn't have the right to call him by his name.

Sowon's eyes flinched as it became wide from what she heard. The man in front of her that used to be her 'friend' was so cold at her. She cleared her throat before speaking.

"I'm sorry by my rudeness but I am just here to question why am I being banned from training, Sir." She apologized more formally but it still sounded as if she was taunting him.

Jimin scornfully chuckled at Sowon's words. He closed the folder he was reading before standing up, glaring at Sowon coldly, "I think you know the reason why you are excluded from the training."

Sowon's eyes showed fear as she looked somewhere else when Jimin walked closer to her until he faced her still glaring at her, "We have been running this camp for long and we did not have any single accident of bullying or fight between our trainees and officers."

She scoffed as she defensively said, "Are you accusing me of bullying? I did not do anything wrong!"

"No, I just said no fights or bullying happened here," Jimin explained a knew that Sowon was getting defensive.

A smug look was on his face as he continued his words, "Why are you so defensive, Cadet Sowon?"

Jimin knew he found one loophole again against Sowon. She was too defensive when lying as Jimin saw how she turned a little taken aback from what he asked her.

Sowon maintained her composure even though she was intimidated by Jimin. She knows that she has her father backing her up, and he has a higher position than Jimin.

"I want to call my Dad." She said trying to intimidate Jimin too but immediately failed as her face turned even paler from what Jimin did.

Jimin took out his phone from his pocket, typed in a number that Sowon knew was her father's, and showed it to her. "Should I call him for you?"

"Look, I value ranks but you know... ranks are useless if you do not have allies with you." He said as he smiled at Sowon proudly.

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