Off with the wind

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Two boys ran down the sidewalk giggling at each other.

They stopped in front of a small shop called "Miss. Sora's Drinks and Piastres " The blond boy opens the door receiving a small chime of a bell.  Small talk and coffee machines could be heard from every corner. The light gray walls pulled together the "homie feeling" of the small cafè.

"Katsuki Izuku!" A blue-haired girl in a light pink apron greeted the two boys. She brushed the flour off of the apron as they made their way to the counter.

"The usual?" She asked. They had been going there every afternoon for 6 years and had never strayed from the same order as a chocolate chip muffin and medium pineapple mango smoothie each."Yes!"Izuku replied as he banged his inner wrists together making a squeaky noise.

After receiving their orders they sat at a small shippukudia(a Japanese floor table.)It had four pastel-colored pillows around it in with they sat on.

Izuku slapped the table as he placed his phone on it. He groaned in pain as he turned on the news. Careful not to disturb the civilians, they shared a pair of Mirko themed earbuds.

Little did they know they were about to experience the most amount of panic they'd ever had.

Two men walked in. One wore all black with a very light gray scarf wrapped around his neck. The other could only be described as the dictionary definition of loud."Come on Zashi I want my coffee." the black-haired one complained.

After receiving their orders the blue-haired woman called out, "We don't have much seating in here but you two could sit with those two boys. The green-haired boy and the blond one. They're extremely kind! They come here every day. You might need to speak up for the blond one." She adds in a whisper"I think he's hard of hearing."

They sat at the table and Hazashi tapped the greenettes shoulder. Izuku looked up.

                               "Oh, hello!" He said.

But when he finally registered the two, his expression dropped.

He tapped his friend's shoulder. When Katsuki looked up he gave him a horrified expression, that quickly changed to a wink." just pretend we're fanboys like when we were little." he whispered.

"Oh, my gosh your Eraserhead and Present *tongue click*Mic!" The green-haired boy tried to tie in excitement as if he were meeting an idol of his.

But at the same time, he tried not to show his vigilante side. He winds up mumbling about the two, Bakugo having to stop him from his rambling.

After the two teens finished they were off faster than Ingenium.

Fighting crime along the way the duo headed back to their apartment building. But Midoriya just stopped.

                            "Hey, you good bunny?"

"Yep*owl sound*j-just ne-need a b-b-bre-breather"

The two slipped into an alleyway not too far from where they had been. Not after long Kobi fell asleep on the other vigilante's shoulder. He ran his hand thru his best and only true friend's messy green mop of hair.

But he paused when his waist meets the forehead of the boy whom he can't figure out why he always gets flustered around.

                                He was burning up.

"Shit-you have a fever please don't be sick. We don't have the money for a doctor's visit or even get over-the-counter medicine." He mumbled under his breath.

  "Oh, Oh God your Yorokobi and Joker! Awesome!"

A boy with purple hair seemed excited to see them... too excited.

                                        "Yep,  sup?"

Omg, he talked to you Hitoshi!Woho!He thought to himself.

"I-I y-you p-p-probably don't know me but I-I'm a vigilante to m-my vigilante name is Mime my quirk is brainwashing!" Shinsou stumbled over his word out of pure excitement to meet his two idols in the same place.

"Hey, what's up with him?"Hitoshi asked bringing his attention to the boy who at this point seemed to be third weeling at this point.

" He's got a fucking fever, he's most likely sick" he groaned at the thought of not being able to get his partner medical attention.

           "Then you should take him to the doctor."

"We don't have enough money for that along with the medicine we'd have to get after. Along with getting at least one small meal a day each we would be flat out broke."

                                   "Oh...that sucks"

Izuku fluttered his eyes open, readjusting them to the dimly lit dungeon-like place. He stumbled over to the boy he ° d e f e n i n t l y .h a s. n e v e r.  re f e r e d.  to. a s.h I s.l o v e .°and nuzzled his face into his neck along with a hug from behind. Shinsou observed the adorable sight.

"So, Joker, when were you gonna tell me you two were dating?" The Mime taunted him.

"What's dating Mime-kun?" The shortest of the group asked.

            Wait...he didn't know what dating was? 

"I'm, well..., you see, when two people who love each other more than anything else in the world they asked the other to be their boyfriend, girlfriend, or significant other."


              "Kacchan, can we go home I'm hungry."

      "Bub, we just are how are you possibly hungry?"

"I dunno I'm just really hungry. I wanna eat. It's making my stomach hurt."

                                "...You're that hungry?"

                 He shook his head in conformation.

                How could he have been so oblivious?

"Hey let's head home 'k? I'll see what I can pull together."

"Hey, we're you two heading to?" Shinsou asked.

                    "Kimbella apartments you?"


(892 words DAMM! That's insane!)

The Joker and his Kobi(a vigilante bakudeku fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें