Shinsou gets settled

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After finishing his unpacking, Hitoshi heard the door creak open.

"Welcome comity!Welcome comity!" A blond boy hollered as he enters the dorm. He also noticed a girl with short purple hair peering thru the doorway.

"Is this shit official or are you wasting my nap time?"

The blond's face flushed hearing the purple-haired boy's deep tone.

"U-um well I really wanted to be best friends with one of the new students so I came here a-and..."

"Sorry about him I'm Kiyoka Jiro, he's Denki Kaminari."

The purple-haired girl finally began to speak.

And with little convincing needed the three headed down to the common room.

Jiro was listening to some sort of music. Curiosity peeked for Shinsou as he tapped her shoulder.

                        "What'cha listening to?"

                               "Mother Mother."

                    "Mother Mother is the best!"

She unplugged her jack from the phone replacing it with real earbuds handing one to the other purple-haired peer.

Minutes later the boy didn't notice Joker came in.

Iida rentered the common room.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2021 ⏰

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