Early Morning Surprise- Chapter 20

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"Let's have some fun! It's Vegas baby!"  

"Wait!  How? When?" Spencer was shocked to see Olivia standing in his bedroom suite.  He is sitting up in the bed smiling because he is so happy to see her.  "Did you really think I was going to let you watch movies all day in VEGAS without me?" Olivia asked him.  "I mean....Liv how and when did you get here?  I just spoke with you on the phone last night." Spencer still shocked by her being there.  "Well, after you told me you were practically alone here in Vegas I couldn't just let you be in this exciting city by yourself and not taking full advantage.  So, BFF to the rescue.  I booked the earliest direct flight open and here I am." Olivia explained to Spencer.  He was speechless and still taking in her being there in his bedroom suite in VEGAS.  She dropped her bags and went and sat down next to him on the bed.  He got up and sat besides her.  They both smiled at one another.  Olivia broke the silence.  So, yeah cover that up (making reference to his bare chest) as she nudges him with her shoulder. "Hey, I still have one more hour or so of sleep left." He tells her.  "Ummm, no!  No one sleeps in Vegas.  Get dress and meet me downstairs for breakfast." Olivia tells him.  "Aight, Ms. Baker" he replies.  Olivia heads back downstairs.

Spencer Inner Thoughts

Am I dreaming?  Did Liv really come to Vegas?  I know I hinted at that she should have come on last night but that's how I felt from the time we all got the invitation and she was hesitant on coming.  To wake up with her standing in the my bedroom suite door just doesn't seem real.  Waking up seeing her here has me feeling some sort of way.  It's a feeling that I honestly don't want to wake up from...so here's to hoping this is not a dream.

An hour or so later, Spencer is downstairs attempting to clean up from what's looks to have been a party on last night.  Olivia walks in with breakfast in her hands.  "As much as I love room service, I can justify paying 20 bucks for toast," Olivia says as she holds up what she went out and got instead.  "I do believe Mr. Keating is covering our room expense, "Spencer says as Olivia is looking around at the mess. "This place was destroyed," she says. "Yeah, all JJ! I guess he met some new friends", Spencer responds back. "Explains the mannequin",  Olivia laughs. Spencer looks at her  smiling and says, "Nice hair by the way", he compliments Olivia.  "Nice of you to notice" Olivia replies coyly. "Bet!  But my head still fogged after last night, " Spencer admits.  Simone comes down the stairs and ask Olivia when did she get to Vegas.  "Umm, well good morning to you too" Olivia says to Simone.  "Oh I am sorry I just wasn't expecting to see you.  Does Jordan know you are here?" Simone asks.  "Ummm probably not" Olivia says while passing Spencer his Starbuck's.  "Spencer talked me into flying out." Olivia continues to tell her. "Oh cool.  Then I should probably go.  I am meeting Jordan in the restaurant downstairs." Simone says while heading towards the door.  "Really because I was just down there and I didn't see him' Olivia tells her. "Hey what yall two doing later? May we can should all meet up" Spencer says and ask Simone. Simone replies suspiciously, " Uhhh yeah but we aleady made plans."  Olivia asks, "What kind of plans?"  Simone tells her, "Plans that don't include you two but I'll talk to Jordan." She then walks out the door.  

Spencer and Olivia are standing there confused at what Simone said. "Umm you know there's a nicer way to say," Olivia tells Simone as she walks out the door.  Spencer just smiles as he drinks his Starbuck's.   "She was acting weird right?"  Olivia says to Spencer.  He responds, "Everybody acts weird when they're in love," Spencer replies looking at Olivia.  "Speaking of love, give me the real on what happened with you and Layla," Olivia asks Spencer slightly pushing his arm.  Spencer tells her boldly, "Nothing is happening".  "Why not?  Don't you guys want to get back together?" Olivia asks Spencer.  Spencer asks Olivia what if the timing is not right. "Maybe she's waiting on your dumb to make a move," Olivia teases him.  "You know there's a nicer way to say that," Spencer responds. "All I am saying is that you are a take charge kind of guy.  I don't know tell her what you are feeling or get her a gift or something." Olivia mentions to him.  While drinking his Starbuck's Spencer says, "Well it's going to be a cheap gift because I blew almost all my money on last night," he says. Olivia tells him he is lucky that Vegas has plenty of shops for him to go for people who spent all their money on night one. Spencer doesn't seem to convinced.  "Plus, Layla will like anything you get her," Olivia says to Spencer as they both stare at one another while Olivia smiles. 

Spencer and Olivia finish their breakfast and hit the streets of Vegas. While walking Spencer thanks her for flying in this morning.  She tells him that she didn't like what his plans were for the day and just couldn't let him spend a day in Vegas doing nothing...atleast not alone. "So,  have you heard from Asher?" Spencer asks Olivia who is trying to take selfies of them walking. "No, actually. I haven't heard from him in a few days." She admits to Spencer. "A few days?" Spencer says.  "I mean it's fine and we both discussed the whole communication or lack of it."  Olivia replies.  Spencer can tell she was not okay with that and could tell something was not connecting or off anytime he brought up Asher's name.  "So, what you got plan for Layla?" Olivia quickly changes the subject.  "Liv!  Nothing because we are not together.  If I can be honestly, I am not sure if I should be buying her gift.  I don't want to give the wrong impression. Especially when I am not sure."  Spencer says.  Olivia is too busy looking and snapping pictures that she hasn't heard anything Spencer has said.  He shakes his head and laughs at her.  "There it is Spencer right over there." Olivia tells Spencer while pointing.

Spencer and Olivia enter a shop called Evie's that reminds them of place from Harry Potter.  Olivia is looking around and tells Spencer that she thinks Layla would love some of the items.  As Spencer is looking around, he notices that Olivia is admiring a jewelry piece.  "My gosh! This necklace is beautiful she says while touching it."  Spencer notices how much she is admiring it.  "You think she'd like it?" He asks Olivia.  "Ummmm, nah! It's too new agey for Layla," Olivia tells him.  He notices how Olivia responds. "He isn't looking for a gift. He's looking for clarity". A woman says coming from the back of store. "Clarity for what", Liv asks looking confused. She looks at Spencer and he says, "I didn't say it. She did," Spencer says to Olivia while looking at the store lady.  Olivia shakes her head and turns to the store lady and says shaking her head, "Clarity about what?"  The lady points to a sign that says, "Readings for 10 dollars".  Spencer instantly is not interested.  He tells Olivia he thinks it is time to go.  He calls the lady Miss Cleo and tells Olivia that it's a scam. Olivia tells Spencer that he doesn't know that for sure.  Spencer says he does.  She smiles at his reluctance.  He begins to tell her of a story with his Nana and some voodoo doll. After the story, Olivia tells him that his Nana is a genius.  He said no and that she was a con artist. Spencer still not convinced says to Olivia, "Can we go now?"  As he attempts to leave, Olivia touched his arm and says, "Not without getting some clarity."

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