Chapter 30- Forever and Always

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  • Dedicated to You my Beautiful Bunny

A/N OMG guys this is the last freaking chapter and I'm really upset like I want to cry. I just can't let go of my baby. This is a special fanfic to me because it's my very first fanfic. Okay being legit serious here READ THE AUTHORS NOTE AT THE END I LEGITIMATELY CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH! PLEASE IT'S REALLY IMPORTANT.


Harry's POV

I have never been so nervous in my whole life! I had to call Lou. I took my iPhone out of my pocket and scrolled through my contacts until I saw 'Boobear'. I stopped scrolling and my finger hovering over his contact. I took a deep breath and clicked it. He answered straight away.

"Hey Haz. What's up?"

"I'm nervous. No, nervous is an understatement. I mean like what if she says no? Then I'll be humiliated in front of her and I'll never be able to show my face in front of her ever again. Wait no, what if she thinks it's cliche? I know how much she hates things that are cliche..." I babbled on

"Haz shut up! She will love it, and I swear to you that she will say yes."

"You're positive?"

"Of course, you two are fucking perfect for each other."

"I don't know..."

"You know what?! HAROLD EDWARD STYLES YOU GET YOUR SORRY ASS DOWN THERE RIGHT NOW! UNDERSTAND? GOODBYE!" the line went dead. Well, that wasn't much help. Maybe I should call Niall or Zayn. I was about to call them when I received a text. I opened it.

From: Boobear

Don't you dare call any of the boys. I already told them not to answer.

Fine then, I'll call one of the girls. I should call Ali since she's really close to Rose. I received yet another text from Louis.

From: Boobear

That includes the girls. Do NOT call or text them!

Whatever. I guess I have no choice. Breathe Harry, you'll be fine. I strolled down the stairs to see Rose sitting at the kitchen counter. Her hair was up in a messy bun, and she was wearing her yoga pants and one of my white v-neck shirts. She just sat there not knowing I was watching her. She was sitting there staring or well more glaring at her phone. It would light up every now and then. Once it did her eyes would light up with happiness, but once she saw what it was she would go back to glaring. She then later placed her elbows on the counter and buried her face in her hands. My poor beautiful Rose. She looked so frail. Well until her phone rang. Her head shot up, and answered the phone. She left the room as if she knew I was there, and she didn't want me to hear. I heard her coming back.

"Okay thank you. Alright see you on Monday." she ended the call, smiling. I wonder what that was about. She looked up and saw me standing there. She dropped her phone and ran to me. She threw her arms around my neck. I just stood there shocked. Not knowing what to do. She smiled up at me. She pressed her warm lips on to mine. Our lips melted together. I love this. I pulled her hair out of its bun.

"C'mon I'm taking you out on a date." she raised her eyebrows at me but nodded anyways "Go."

"Well Mr. Styles, I can't change without you telling weather it's casual or not."

"Fancy." the last word I whispered before she danced away from me

I headed back up the stairs once I heard the door of our room shut. I went inside our spare bedroom to change into my suit. I could still hear the shower running. I slipped into my Gucci suit. I heard Rose humming to Little Things. I opened the bedroom door carefully making sure not to be heard. I found what I was looking for. I placed it into my pocket. The bathroom door creaked open. There I saw her. She wore a knee-length, sapphire blue dress with a diamond brooch on the hip. She wore all the jewelry I gave her on her birthday/first official date. She was putting on her D&G heels when she caught me staring. She walked towards me. Her beautiful brown hair flowed down her back while her sea blue eyes stared into my green ones. Her plump pink lips tinted with her lip gloss pursed. Her heels clicked with every step she took on the hardwood floor. I took her hand and spun her around. I leaned in pressed my lips against her. The passion of the kiss burned. I wrapped my arms around her petite waist and lifted her off the ground. I felt her smile against my lips. I placed her back on the ground. We had to unfortunately break apart. She showed off her pearly white teeth.

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