Chapter 16- Time

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A/N/ hey princesses! So this'll be MY authors note for this chapter, but I wanted to clear up what these meant in the chapters -------> '~' <-------- those face looking shit means its a month later from the past event! Yep! Oh and its like 5:49 right now and I just woke up like an hour ago to write, so excuse my bad chapter!That's all!


Love you Princesses!

~ Tavie xxx ;D



Ali's P.O.V.

It's been a week. Rose hasn't done anything productive. It's been awkward. Wanna change places?

"Hey love" Niall entered the room eating a bag of crisps. Yea, living with this boys for a month now. I have been washed with these words!

"Hey babe. What's up?" I asked, giving him a big hug.

"Not much. But Rose, Harry, El, Dani, Perrie, and the rest of the boys went out for a movie. Wanna go shopping?" he asked, hugging me back.

"I swear! You boys go shopping more than I do, and that's saying something!" I giggled.

" But you love it!" he smiled, pulling my hand. Guess were going shopping.




Louis' P.O.V.

This is really awkward. I mean, none of us really were watching the movie because of the tension between Harry and Rose. They really need to work things out! I mean, one second they're snogging wherever they go, and the next; they can barely talk to each other without it being awkward, but all they keep saying is 'We need time' How much time do you need before finding out what's right in front of you? They're meant for each other, and it's weird that I'm saying it; clichè for this fact, but Rose is Harry's Princess, and Harry is Rose's Prince. Their obliviousness is making everyone feel awkward, but I know Harry. He'll either make the right move; and patch things up with Rose, or the wrong move; that ruins everything for everyone! I really hope he makes the right move!




After the movie. Rose's P.O.V.

" I liked that movie! Who else liked that movie?" Danielle asked, breaking the awkwardnes, but I raised my hand anyways.

"Well Louis, Dani, Liam, and I are going to starbucks. Bye kids!" Eleanor waved, tugging Louis with her.

"Zayn and I are going shopping with Ali and Niall. Bye guys" Perried waved.

And then there were two...


Third person P.O.V.

1 month

3 days

2 hours

13 minutes

54 seconds

That's how long it's been since Harry was caught by Rose, cheating with a slut.

Rose and Harry had just started dating again, but not each other. They no longer share a room anymore either. Harry finds many different girls, but as for Rose, there's only one none other than Harry that caught her broken heart.At times when Harry goes clubbing alone, he meets a girl, doesn't go home for the night, and Rose worries.

They've official called things off, but everyone can see that Rose still loves Harry. Who says you have to trust the person you love?


Ali's P.O.V.

How much time do they need to come back to each other? It's been two months since the break - up. Not feeling so awkward in the house anymore. Everyone's relationship has gone very well! Even Rose's! But not the one between Harry and her!

I'm not sure when they'll fix that one, and I don't think they know either.

Rose has started dating a lawyer! I know. So posh right? But he treats her right. That's all that matters. They have been going out for 2 weeks now, but I've gotta say, Rose made the right choice. Harry once again; Didn't.


Third person's P.O.V.


All you need is time.

That's exactly what Rose and Harry had, had.


But does it always mean that if you've had time to think when your in a relationship, that it means you're getting back together? Nope! Well, at least not for these two.

But I guess that can happen when you have time.


A/N Hello My Bunnies! You are all amazing for reading this chappie. I didn't write obviously the reason why Tavie wrote the first A/N and not me. We will keep doing this until the weekend. Sorry. But anyway high school is interestingish. Got lost a lot yesterday, but today I didn't get lost I'm soooo proud of myself! Second day of school. Hmm... Anyways you all are amazing! Oh and by the ways NEXT chapter will be two years in the future. 'Kay? Anywhosss my beautifully, wonderful, fabulous Bunnies thank you so much for reading. Yayyy! Hopefully we can update before I go to school which I leave at 6:46 cuz yea my bus is a bitch, but oh we'll who gives a fuck? Me, but still who cares? Anyways goodbye my Bunnies until next chapter...

Luvs My Wonderful Bunnies,

Jasmine Xxx

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