Chapter 28- Long Time, No See

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Rose's POV

"Isn't she lovely? Isn't she wonderful? Isn't she precious, less than one minute old."

"Harry, babe you okay?"

"Wonderful, why?"

"Just asking."

"Rose I'm boreddd."

"Entertain yourself."


"Stubborn asshole." I muttered under my breath


"Oh umm..." I had to think of something to change the subject "Alright then let's go somewhere. Where do you wanna go?"

"NANDOS!!!" He screamed. I looked at him weirdly "What?!"

"Harry... You sound like Niall!"

"Not my fault love."

"Whatevs babe! Let's go!" We went outside and got into his car. He tried starting it but it wouldn't turn on.

"Damn babe the battery is probably dead. We'll have to walk to Nando's. Sorry!" He's lucky that Nandos is close. Why of all times did I have to get my car repaired when Harry's car breaks down? We got out and started to walk to Nando's. He wrapped his arm around my waist, and pulled me closer to him.

"I love you, Rose!" I laughed at him which caused a random guy to glare at us and he looks really familiar. Harry saw him staring so he leaned in to me and kissed my lips sweetly. We looked over to the guy, and he looked like he was about to kill Harry. If looks could kill Harry would already be dead.






Daniel's POV

"BYE SARAH!" I yelled to my girlfriend. She was Rose's best friend before Harry made her leave. Stupid asshole. Now he's famous and he doesn't deserve it. He doesn't deserve the fame, the girls, and he most definitely doesn't deserve Rose! She was mine but of course Harry had to steal her away from me. I was headed over to the local market to get some food because my family is coming over, so I decided not to waste gas an just walk to the market that was fairly close to my flat. I just kept walking not really paying attention to my surroundings because it never changes, ever. Well I wasn't paying attention until I heard the sweetest, most beautifully, angelic laugh ever. I turned to look at the person where it came from and I should've known it was from the one and only lovely Miss Rosalinda Snow. She was gorgeous, but wait who's standing next to her? Is that, shit it is! Harry Styles from One Direction. I glared over at them, but unfortunately they both caught me. Lucky for me they don't recognize me. I guess that 'makeover' from Sarah worked. I guess Harry wanted to make me jealous, so he decided to kiss Rose right in front of me. They looked back at me which only caused me to want to rip his head off his body. I HATE HIM!! He grabbed her petite waist and walked away. I decided to follow them to wherever they were headed. They walked into Nando's. Now all I have to do is follow them an wait for the perfect time to attack my prey AKA Harry Styles.






Sarah's POV

"BYE SARAH!!" my boyfriend Daniel screamed from the front door. I sent him out to buy food for the dinner with his family. I had already cleaned the house, and prepared most of the dinner too. I decided to watch some TV. There is absolutely nothing good on until Gossip! came on.

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