Chapter 2- Love at First Sight

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Rose's POV

"Can you please hurry up I'm begging you?" I screamed at Ali who seemed to be as slow as a turtle, but what she doesn't know is, is that One Direction was seen at Starbucks and we need to go there like now or else I will uhh I don't know what I'd do if I missed One Direction at our Starbucks. Sure this is Los Angeles and all but seriously how many people can go to school and say "Yeah I just saw One Direction at Starbucks, jelly much?" I mean really no one has ever said that to me. Thank god Mikayla was 'sick' or else I wouldn't know because she texted me on my iPhone saying that on twitter a fan tweeted a picture with the boys at our Starbucks. I mean really this is sooooo freaking phenomeNiall.

"God, calm down will ya it's not like we're going to see One Direction in a few minutes" she said with an eye roll. Ah if she only knew.

10 minutes later...

Finally we made it at Starbucks. That was the longest 10 minutes in my whole freaking life. I ran for the door, but before I reached it Ali stepped in my way.

"So you made us run down to your car just so we could get some Starbucks? Ok, now you have to tell me what are so hyped up about? I mean c'mon what the hell is wrong with you today?" she was angry you could hear the anger in her voice

"Ok fine it was supposed to be a surprise, but since you want to know now..." I took a deep breath "One Direction's inside that Starbucks, and they're still eating breakfast and they'll leave soon so it would be nice if you moved out of the way so we could see them." I said that as quickly as I could without fangirling over this. Her eyes were wide and as she turned around she saw One Direction sitting there eating breakfast in our Starbucks. She squealed loudly and I squealed back then we squealed together. Omg I was about to meet One Direction, but one member stood out the most and that was Niall James Horan. Ahhhhhhh I'm freaking out just thinking about him.

"Hey look it's..." where the fuck did she go? Are you serious? I looked inside and she was sitting behind One Direction. I rolled my eyes. I opened the door and strolled inside as gracefully as I could. Thank God for those dancing lessons. I was almost at my seat when I had crashed into someone, and they spilled there coffee all over me and damn was that coffee hot. I screamed and everyone turned to look at us. I looked up at the person ready to swear and scream at them, but when I looked up I saw beautiful green eyes and some sexy curls. I then realized who it was it was Harry freaking Styles.

"I'm so sorry love"

Harry's POV

I got up to leave to go back to the hotel because of my horrible jet lag. I took my coffee with me, and I was really ready to fall asleep.

"Goodnight Haz!"

"Goodnight boobear!"

Right when I turned around I saw a really pretty girl walk in, and she looked like she was heade for our table but then I noticed she was walking towards the girl in the seat behind us who Niall was staring at. She was so beautiful then all of sudden we bumped into each other, and all my coffee spilled on her. She screamed really loud and it hurt my ears. She then looked up her eyes full of anger, but once she saw me her face turned soft. Her eyes lost all the anger I then noticed how deep blue her eyes were they we're so beautiful. Ummm... Wow I never believed it until now, but this is seriously 'Love at first sight!'

"I'm so sorry love"

She smiled at me. "I'm so sorry, but the coffee really does hurt so do you mind if I go to my car and get a change of clothes?" I smiled at her and nodded. It was like as if meeting that girl just got rid of my jet lag.

I turned to the boys and walked towards them and they smiled at me because I think I just found a girl that no one could ever replace. She's the girl that I want forever.

"Haz, am I being replaced by a girl you just met?"

"Maybe boobear maybe" he frowned when he heard this and then started fake crying. All the boys laughed at him.

She walked towards our table in a new outfit. She was in a plaid skirt and a white tank top. She looked sooo damn hot.

"I'm so sorry. But I never got your name." I asked once she got at our table.

She smiled and replied "Rosalinda Snow, but my friends call me Rose."

Rose, what a pretty name, and she sounded so innocent. So familiar. Her eyes flickered to her friend who was tapping the table with her fingers. Rose checked her phone, and her eyes widened.

"I'm so sorry but I have to go school starts in 20 minutes, anyway it was nice meeting you, and don't worry we'll meet again at your concert." She and her friend got up to leave, but took her wrist. "Can I have your number?"

"Uh... yeah sure hold on I'll give it to you."

She typed her number on my phone and I typed mine in hers. She gave me back my phone and I gave her phone back to her. She smiled and said goodbye and planted a kiss on my cheek before she left, and I was blushing like crazy. Yup I just fell head over heels for a girl I just met. This was truly 'Love at first sight!'


Hey guys, so yeah I posted this at 3 in the morning so this chapter probably isn't that great, but I tried and I'm extremely tired, but I need Rose and Ali to meet One Direction, but don't worry there's jealousy coming up, and things are going to be breaking a few friendships. Anyway hope you enjoyed, and its almost mine and Tavie's birthday. Mine is September 14 and hers is September 16, so yeah hope you enjoyed. Please don't judge either I'm only on the iPad and I'm half asleep so if there are any misspelling than please don't make a big deal out of it I'm so tired but I couldnt fall asleep with this on my conscious, so yeah hope you liked it later today I'll post again I promise. <3 u guys!!!!! Goodnight or well good morning!!!


With love,

Jasmine Xxx

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