H-Hey Luz~

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I slam my locker closed with a groan. Today. Was. TERRIBLE! Ed and Em pranked me 12 times today, I wasn't paying attention in class, and my abomination exploded! I sigh, and lean against my locker. The only good thing about today is the book club meeting with Luz later. I get a goofy grin when I think of Luz. Her smile, the ridiculous way she throws herself at every challenge, that amazing language she speaks sometimes. I sigh again, and get ready to go to the library. I am head-over-heels in love with a human. I, Amity Blight, have a crush on Luz Noceda.

I made it to the library with no trouble. I was worried that Ed and Em would be their annoying selves again. I go to the Romance section, and pull on the lever/book that opens the hideout. I've probably got 5-10 minutes before Luz shows up. I throw myself into a beanbag dramatically, and pull the grom-posal note out of my pocket. I only have the top half, but it's enough to send shivers down my spine. Me and Luz, dancing, together. The Grom tree. My face quickly heats up and I shove the note into my pocket before getting up and grabbing 'The Good Witch Azura' books, setting them on the desk we use. I glance at the clock and notice I still have about another 5 minutes before Luz remembers that we have book club today. I sigh, and lay down in one of the beanbags. 'I'll take a nap. I need it.' I think to myself, drifting into a light sleep.

~POV change! Luz~

I burst into the library, 15 minutes late to book club with Amity. "Shit, shit, shit, shit." I mutter to myself as I race through the stacks of books. I get to the Romance section and pull the book that opens the shelf. I walk inside, expecting to see Amity pacing and muttering about how I'm an idiot, but instead I see the cutest sight ever. Amity, curled up on one of the beanbags, fast asleep. I squeal softly as I sit next to her. She looks so peaceful, a small smile tugging at her lips, her ears twitching every once and a while. "Adorable." I giggle. She shifts, before opening her eyes.

"Luz!" She exclaims. "When did you get here?"

"Only about a minute ago. Are you tired? You seemed pretty out of it." I say, watching her stretch. I look away to hide the blush on my face. She is beautiful. I have a huge crush on her, but I don't want to ruin our friendship.

"I'm ok. I just had a rough day." Amity sighs. I look over at her. She seems upset. I pull her into a hug. She tenses, but relaxes after a few seconds.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" I ask, rubbing small circles on her back.

"No. Can we just... stay like this?" She sounds so sad.

"Of course." I say. "I'm always here for you. No matter what."

"Thanks Luzz." She says, falling asleep as she finishes her sentence. I shift a little so I'm more comfortable. I can feel myself nodding off as well.

"Sweet dreams, mi amor." I whisper before letting sleep take over.

~Small timeskip~

I blink a little. When did I fall asleep? This isn't the owl house. Then I remember. The hug, Amity, me sleeping. I groan quietly and feel something shift in my lap. I look and see Amity, fast asleep, stradling me. My face burns as I feel her sigh against my neck. This is bad. It's hard enough pretending not to notice the way she looks at me, but her sleeping like that, It's kind of turning me on. "Come on! I do NOT need this right now!" I whisper-scream. This is really bad. What if she wakes up and thinks I'm taking advantage of her! Or-or she thinks that-

"Luz?" Amity says, leaning back and rubbing her eyes. "What time is it?" She looks at me with half-lidded eyes (that doesn't help my situation at all) and realizes what position we're in. Her eyes go wide, and her face goes a deep scarlet in less than a second. She launches herself off me, and starts babbling out apologies. "Oh geez, I'm sorry! I didn't- you were just really warm, and- wait no I- I mean-"

I cut her off. "Amity. It's fine. We were both asleep. I kinda liked it." I murmur the last part, but she hears.

"W-what?" She asks, more surprised than anything.

"Amity, I- I like you. As more than a friend. I hope this doesn't affect our friendship." I confess. I look at my shoes to avoid seeing her face.

"Luz." Here it comes. The rejection. I close my eyes and wait. I feel a hand on my cheek. She's gonna slap me, I know it. Instead, I feel a pair of lips on mine. My eyes fly open in shock. Amity is kissing me. She separates her lips from mine, and instantly I miss them. "I love you too. I was scared to admit it because I was afraid you would hate me." She says in a small voice.

I stare at her in shock before taking a step forward and crushing her lips with mine. She squeaks in surprise before slowly kissing me back. I wrap my arms around her waist, and pull her against me. She moans softly and puts her arms around my neck. After a few minutes we pulled away for air. "That was incredible. You've been holding out on me, Blight." I say, a smile playing on my lips. She smirks.

"I just happen to be full of surprises." She whispers in my ear. I groan at the dominant tone in her voice. I want her, but we're in a library.

"Let's get out of here." I whisper huskily, and grin as she shivers. She smirks again, before taking her scroll out to check the time. Her eyes go wide.

"Shit! It's 6 pm!" She shouts.

"What!?" I squeak. We look at each other before we dart out the door and sprint to the front of the library.

"My curfew is 6:30!" Amity shouts as we burst outside.

"Mine is right now!" I shriek in a panic.

"I'll call you later!" Amity shouts as we run in opposite directions. I run as fast as my legs will carry me.

"Shit! Fuck! Eda is going to kill me!" I yell as I sprint towards the owl house. I can see Hooty now. "Hooty! Open the door please." I pant as I slide to a stop on the porch.

"Hoot! Ok!" Hooty says. I basically fly inside and flop down on the couch. My chest is heaving. I hear someone walk in.

"You're late." I hear Eda and Lillith say in unison. I raise an arm a little before it falls down again. I'm so tired right now.

"Sorry." I say, but it's muffled by the couch, so it sounds like "Sry".

"Well, there had better be a good reason why you're late." Lillith says, sitting down in a chair.

I roll over onto my back. "I fell asleep during book club. Amity did too, and when we woke up we didn't immediately check the time." I say, my breathing somewhat regular again.

"Did you finally confess?" Eda asks, a smirk on her lips as she takes the only available chair.

"Yep." I say, popping the P. Both sisters fall out of their chairs at my response.

"WHaT!" They scream, voices cracking halfway through their exclamation.

"I confessed. We kissed. And now I'm here." I say, trying not to laugh at their reactions.

"Good for you kid." Eda says. I grin.

"I'm gonna go do homework. Don't burn the house down!" I say, running up the stairs. I feel my phone ping with a text.

Amity~ You make it home safe?

Luz~ of course! I'm me!

Amity~ That's part of the reason I was worried. You didn't get in trouble, right?

Luz~ AW! you do care about me! no, i didn't, i think the news that i confessed to you broke them.

Amity~ I can see that. Do you wanna meet up tomorrow? I have something I want to show you.

Luz~ sure! i'll meet you at the market at 10?

Amity~ Cool! See you then! <3

Luz~ see you <3

I put my phone down and smiled. "It's a date." I whisper to myself before starting the mountain of homework I have. I can't stop grinning the entire time.


Hello guys, gals, and non-binary pals! Holy shit, this was hard. I hope you guys like it, I worked hard. I will try to post the next chapter soon, so keep an eye out for that! I need a nap, so this is goodbye for now!


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