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Ok, so I know I don't usually do notes at the beginning, but this chapter is going to be different. I'm writing it in third POV. Let me know what you think. Also, the older Blight's (not Ed and Em) are going to be homophobic. But, they won't be featured in this chapter.


Amity and Luz were walking home after a long day of school. Amity's scroll dinged, so she summoned it. Her eyes went wide. "Luz, I have to go. My parents are getting back from their trip today."

"Aw. I wanted cuddles!" Luz pouted. Amity giggled.

"Soon." She promised. "I have to go now. Later Lu!"

"Bye... wait? What did you call me?! Amity!" Luz was left standing there, a large blush creeping its way onto her face. "Dios mio, that girl is going to kill me."

Amity burst into Blight Manor, and sprinted up the stairs. "Crap, crap, crap, crap." She was whispering to herself as she ran. Amity slammed the door of her bedroom open and flew inside. Ed and Em poked their heads into Amity's room to see her trying to cast an illusion spell.

"Sup Mittens?" Ed asked. What the twins got in return was a shriek of surprise, and Amity whipping around showing the not-quite healed hickeys. The twins' eyes widened.

"What's that on your neck Mittens?" Em asked. Amity slapped a hand onto her neck.

"Mosquito bite." She squeaked. Both twins raised an eyebrow, before noticing that Amity was in a tank-top that showed off some scratches on her shoulders.

"Uh-huh. Was this mosquito equipped with claws, or was it named Luz?" Em asked. Amity blushed, then mumbled something.

"What was that Mittens?" Ed asked. Amity flushed darker, before smirking.

"I said, it must be sad knowing your little sister got laid before you did." Amity stuck her tongue out. Ed and Em stood there, speechless due to getting roasted by their sister.

"Whoa. Ouch." Ed finally said, noticing that Amity got the illusion spell to work.

"Haha! Oh, can you guys cover for me tonight?" Amity asked.

"Um... sure, but why?" Em asked. They might not show it very often, but Ed and Em love Amity a lot, and would go to the edge of the Boiling Isles for her.

"I want to see Luz. I kind of just ran off when I heard that mom and dad were coming home, and we had plans."

"We'll do what we can, Mittens. We're here for you. And for our ship." Ed smiled.

"Your ship?" Amity asked, quirking an eyebrow. Em nodded.

"We've been shipping you and Luz for months! It didn't help that you were both so oblivious, we're amazed that you both figured it out without a push from us." Em smiled, watching as Amity squeaked in indignation.

"Whatever." Amity huffed. "Let's just get dinner over with."

~Time skip, because I have no idea what to write~

"May I be excused?" Amity asked. Aldor nodded, and Amity rushed upstairs. She took out the bag she packed and jumped out the window, running for the Owl House. Once she got there, she ignored Hooty and knocked. Luz answered the door, and her entire face lit up when she saw Amity.

"Kitten! I thought that your parents were coming home?"

"They did, but Ed and Em are covering for me. Can I come in? It's freezing."

"Of course! Eda and King are already asleep, so what do you want to do?"

"Well... those cuddles sound nice right about now..." Amity trailed off, looking hopefully at her girlfriend. Luz grinned and, grabbing Amity's hand, rushed upstairs. She threw herself onto the bed, and motioned for Amity to join her. Amity smiled and crawled next to Luz, placing her head on the other girls chest so that she could hear her heartbeat. Luz wrapped an arm around Amity's waist, and the other came up so that she could take out the half-ponytail.

"I love you." Luz murmured, running her hand through Amity's hair. Amity giggled and scooted up so that she could kiss Luz's nose.

"Love you too." She whispered, eyes drooping. Luz started to hum, and Amity faded into sleep, smiling in the warmth of Luz's arms. Luz smiled, before feeling her eyes drop too. She pulled Amity closer, and fell into the best sleep she's had in a while, the love of her life in her arms.


I finally did it! A fluff chapter! The otter and the kitten... nah. See you later!


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