Chapter 4

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**(A/N) Hey guys! It's Maddie! Sorry it's been so long! It was Spring break. And it's 11:30 PM and i can't sleep so im going to write. Sorry for the long wait... It will probably suck. Lol! Sorry! Enjoyy!!**


**Maddie's POV**

"Is everyone here?" Mr. Johnson said as we were all on the bus. I was next to Cody, and Ayla and Jay were across the aisle from us. They were so cute together! Ayla was on her phone, doing god knows what. I ignored that then looked out my Window. London is absolutely gorgeous. I couldn't get over how amazing it looks!! All of a sudden, my phone vibrated

*** Hey babe. I can't get over how cute you and Cody are! I told you that you two would end up together!! Xx -Ayla**

I felt myself blush so much. I replied,

*** Thanks hun!! But if we're cute, you and Jay are perfect together. I knew you would date sometime!! -Maddie<3***

I looked over at her and i think he blushed even more than me! As i put my phone away. I felt Mine and Cody's hands intertwine. He was so perfect! He had the best sense of humor, he had beautiful Blonde hair and Baby blue eyes. I love those eyes, i could look into them all day. I really like him. I have since the first day of 7th grade!!

*** Later on ***

**Ayla's POV**

Maddie and I wanted to go walk around ALONE, not that we didn't love being with Jay, and Cody. But we just wanted to go get some Starbucks and just to walk around, and just talk about Girl things!

"Maddie, we have to leave! Like soon" I whispered silently but loud enough so she could here.

"I Know.. But how?" She answered. I come up with the best plans, but they don't always work out..

"Are you questioning my sneaking skills?" I said still quietly but louder,

"Because we are going to say we're going to find a bathroom.. DUH" I said much quieter that time.

"Mr. Johnson, Ayla and I need to go to the bathroom" I Yelled and he stuck his thumb up for the okay.

"Ayla, your amazing. So you want to go to Starbucks??"



What is her probbbblll-

"Who are they" Maddie said at the exact time i looked at them. One had Curly brown hair, and he was wearing a shirt that says 'Hipsta Please'. And the other boy had bleach blonde hair. With a tank top that has an '@' on it. The curly-brown haired one is mine!!

"Dibs on the blonde one!!!" Maddie whispered into my ear. THANK GOD she picked him. He's adorable. But the curly haired one.. Is.. Indescribable. I don't even know him. But he's gorgeous.

**Maddie's POV**

"I'm going to go talk to those boys" I said as I started to walk away, then I felt a tug on my shirt.

"WHAT!!! NO!!! YOU CAN'T!!!"

"And why can't I?? I don't see them wanting to come and talk to us, so we have to make the first move..!"

"DO YOU KNOW WHO THEY ARE..??" I could tell Ayla wanted to fan girl over something. Just by her facial expression. "That's Harry Styles and Niall Horan from One Direction"


"Maddie, calm down... Lets go get them digits" Telling by Ayla'a smirk on her face. I could tell she was confident.

"Okay. But if I faint make up a story that I have a fainting decease and that I have no clue who they are. Got it?"

Ayla nodded. We started walking towards them. My heart was racing like I was in a horror movie. But I guess it was a good heart racing. Okay. When I'm excited I make no sense. Forgive me pleaseee. We get about 10 feet from them and suddenly. I stop.

"Maddie, let's go!!"

"I can't"

"I'm making you come with me" Once again.. He pulls on me.

"Hi boy's, we noticed you from a distance. And we were wondering if we could possibly have your numbers..?" AYLA OH MY GOSH. WHAT DID YOU JUST DO..??

Summer Love (OneDirection Fan Fic)kOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora