Chapter 6

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***A/N Maddie here!! So, I've been working on this part by part. Hope you guys enjoy. ((: And I'm pretty sure I suck at this. So yeah. Enjoy(: **

**Maddie's POV***

When someone likes someone as much as I like Cody... It's almost impossible to break. But now that I have met Niall. He's so much better than I imagined.

Ayla and I walked back to the boys.

"So, can we have your numbers??" Ayla blurted out. Harry has a really cheeky smile on his face. Glaring at Ayla. He has really been looking her up and down this whole time. He wants 'THE V' HAHAHAHAHA I crack myself up!!!

"Sure, lemme see ya phone"

Harry put his hand out. As did Niall and we exchanged phones. Put our numbers in! Niall's iPhone screen was cracked. But Harry's wasn't.

"Do you girls maybe want to go get some dinner tonight?" Awwwhh, Nialls Accent is so adorable. I just want to marry him already!!!<33333

"Uh, We are having dinner as a class tonight. Would you like to go with us???" Oh yeah. I totally forgot about being here with the class. I guess that's why Ayla is the smart one. We agreed on 7 o'clock at Nandos. And we hugged and went our separate ways!



"What are we going to tell the boys??" I mean, I donnt want to lie to my own boyfriend about going out to dinner with two boys I look up to sooo much. I mean, I feel like Cody and I are perfect for eachother, but Niall.. Is just amazing.

"We can say that we are going to dinner, just you and I. We have to tell Jay and Cody the same thing we are telling the teachers!"

I don't know about this plan. I just don't have a good feeling about this. Now, I'm regretting it. I guess we'll have to go back to the hotel room and get ready.. I wonder what I should wear. I'm definatly wearing my favorite pair of Holister Jeans, maybe my blue and white stripped crop top!? Yeah. That sounds pretty damn cute. But not too cute because I have a boyfriend. And I want to curl my hair. But yet that's too 'impressive' maybe if I just straighten my hair. I think that'll work just fine.!

"Ayla, what are you wearing?"

"I'm wearing my pink And white floral top from Hollister with my Favourite pair of Hollister jeans!!"

"And your hair?"

"All natural!!"

It's 5:45 and I get into the shower. I jam out to "You Need Me and I Don't Need You" but Ed Sheeran on repeat!! I love that song! I call it 'My Shower Song' I can rap that whole song #Coolcat lol. No Maddie. Your weird.. I heard Ayla calling my name and Knocking on the door which means, I need to hurry up so she can get ready and shower! I get out and it's 6:00. I grab my phone, and my hair and make-up stuff so I can get ready.

"Took you long enough" Ayla said obviously being mean, but in a way still playing around.

"I can take longer next time if you want!"

"No need!"

I smirked and went off to get dressed and started to blow dry my hair when I get a text.

**FROM: CODY😘😍**

"Hey babe<3 Want to go for dinner tonight? I miss your beautiful-self!</3"

I smiled. Then quickly the smile went away.

**TO: CODY 😘😍**

"Sorry Cod's.. Ayla and I are going for Dinner already.. I'm so sorry.. Tomorrow night??😘"


"Yes please. <3 Miss you, have fun!!<3 "

I didn't reply and continued getting ready. I felt SOO bad for lying to him.. I finished blow drying my hair. And turned on my straightener. I start my make-up while it's heating. All I use is Foundation, Mascara, and a little bit of eye shadow. I'm done with that and started straightening my hair. I finished within 10 minutes. As Ayla came out. It's now 6:15 and she got ready while I just checked my Facebook, and Instagram.

"Are you ready?" I look at the clock and it's now 6:35

"Yes!" I answered Ayla excitedly.

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