Chapter 7

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**A/N: This is just going to get good in the next few chapters hopefully !! I love you guys so much!! Tell your friends about this story if you like it!! And Shout out to Katie and Ellie for reading this <3 Love you all! **

**AYLAS P.O.V.**

As we finally walk out the door, I feel in my North Face pocket, and I don't feel my money. Crap.

"Hey, I forgot my money let me go grab it." I start jogging back to the room. Walk in. And got my coach wristlet. I love that thing. It is my life in a little 90$ bag!

"I'm nervous!" Maddie said staring at the ground she didn't bother looking up at all like her neck was bent that way, and couldn't move it up.

"Me too. Believe me. Jay and I haven't talked all day. I miss him." I really do miss him. Very badly. His craziness. And pervertedness even. I like him so much. But Harry. Oh my goodness. He's beautiful. And such a cheeky boy.

"I feel like we are cheating on the boys" Maddie said finally looking up. Then I looked down at the ground as we kept walking. We finally got to the elevator. And I pressed the down button. It dings signaling that the elevator is on our floor. The doors open and we walk in. When I look up I see Jay and Cody!!

"Hey beautiful" Jay whispered in my ear, And kissed my cheek. Then my lips. I missed his kisses so much, his lips are perfect.

"I'll text you after dinner. Okay?" I said looking at my watch. And it said 6:40. Shit I thought to myself. We have about 15 minutes to walk.

"Alright. I'll miss you" Jay winked and walked away.

"I want to hangout with Jay now." I said missing him.

"Ayla, we've dreamed of this day for years Upon years. What happened to all the fan girling. And when we would stay up until 5:00 in the morning reading Fan Fictions, And imagines? Now we get to experience the One Direction way. Believe me I want to hangout with Cody too. But let's just go out to eat with them. And have a good night. Okay?"

"Alright" I said when the elevator doors opened and we walked out. The whole walk was silent. Until Maddie saw Niall's Black Range Rover in Nando's parking lot. My heart is beating so fast right now.

"Ayla, I'm shaking."

"Maddie, you shake easily calm yo' tit's and act normal"

She looked pretty offended but I could care less.

**Niall's P.O.V.**

Wow. Maddie is gorgeous. I can't believe we are going on a date. I mean, I wish it was a date but it's just hanging out and having dinner. Probably no big deal for her. But to me. It's huge.

"Niall look."

Harry said and kinda positioned towards the girls.

"Ayla is gorgeous. Wow."

He gave his 'famous Cheeky smile' the one when his dimples barley show. Yeah. That one. What if Maddie falls for Harry. That always happens to me. They always like Harry more. It makes me mad!

**Maddie's P.O.V**

"Hi Maddie!" Niall said and came in for his Famous Horan Hugs! Wait, what is this feeling? I feel butterflies? With Niall!!? Oh my gosh! That's not okay I'm dating Cody and I can't feel this way with Niall, like I always Fangirl over him. But I never thought these feelings were real. That's incredible!! Incredibly perfect!!

"Hi, Maddie" Harry said hugging me too. As the butterflies went away. Which is a good sign.

"Shall we?" Niall said Harry, Ayla and I all nodded at the same time. And Niall held the door for all of us. First Ayla, Harry, Me, then Niall. Once we walk in We heard murmuring and almost a scream. I think they've been recognized.

"Can we have a picture with you Harry?" Pointing to her friend said the skinny girl with longer brown hair down to the middle of her back. She handed Ayla her iPhone and then left after the picture was taken... Why didn't they take a picture with Niall??

"That was quite rude!!" I said to Niall.

"Unfortunately, Harry is always the one with all the girls. But now I have you with me" Niall kinda chuckled and blushed. I didn't say anything remembering I have a boyfriend.

"What would you like, Maddie?" I noticed he quickly changed the subject. But, I don't really like chicken. So maybe something else??

"Just a chicken salad will be fine. But I have money so you don't have to pay for me!"

"Maddie, I'm the guy here. Well, obviously. And I'm paying. And don't argue because you won't win!!" He winked. He has the most beautiful blue eyes! It's amazing!! I rolled my eyes playfully and he ordered for me. And Ayla and I went to go sit down at a table.

"Ayla, I have a problem"

"If you're falling for Niall, it's okay because I'm falling for Harry too."

"What do we do?"

" I say we just get through the night and play it by ear."

The boys came back with our food. And we had an amazing night full of a lot of laughs! And we got to know eachother a lot better!!! It was pretty fun!

"I had a lot of fun tonight, Maddie" he said smiling showing his perfectly white and straight teeth!

"So did I!"

"Me three!" Harry butted in! This kid is crazy!

"Do you guys need a ride back to your hotel??" Harry asked. Ayla and I both shook our heads. And Ayla answered and said no.

"Thanks though!!" I said and they both have us that 'No Problem' look. We all said our goodbyes and we were off.

"I had soooooooooooooooooooo much fun tonight" Ayla said all excited.

"Me too..." I said

"Me too" I said again trailing off.

The rest of the walk was also silent. We got back into our hotel room and saw our room mates.

"Where were you guys???? Huh? " Karen said being all nosey.

"None of your business." I said rolling my eyes. I knocked on Cody's door, and it opened. And who opened it. FREAKING BELLA!!!

"Excuse me, what are you doing in my boyfriends room??" I snarled at her.

"I was just leaving. Don't mind me."

"Actually I will. He's mine. Don't start with me"

She walks out. Bumping my shoulder.

"What was she doing in YOUR room????"

"Chill, We were just watching a movie. She was bored. So she came over." Cody said "Plus, your mine. And your all I want.

As much as I wanted to smile. I couldn't I was SOO mad at him.

"I'm going to bed" I left without saying anything else. And went to bed. I had a great night with Niall, maybe I should just have him instead. He'll probably treat me a lot better.

I finally dozed off and fell asleep.

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