kissing in the rain

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You put your head down on IU's shoulder as she put her arm around you as you walked out of the restaurant together.

It was a beautiful day. IU had the day off, for what seems like the first time in forever, and she was determined to make it as special as she could.

She started off by watching that movie you've been wanting to see together while you laid in bed together, stealing kisses and cuddling close together.

Then she took you out to dinner at your favorite spot in town with the promise of taking you for a walk through the park for some quality time and fresh air.

But it wasn't looking like it was going to be such a beautiful evening.

When you went into the restaurant, the sun was still shining, but there were a couple of clouds in the sky.

Now that you're out, you see that somewhere along the way, the sun went away.

There were dark clouds in the sky and a bit of a breeze and you both knew that a storm had to be coming.

"So much for our walk," IU mumbled. "I'm sorry, baby."

"It's okay. We can just go home and cuddle some more." You smiled and stopped walking so she'd lean down and give you a kiss as you puckered your lips.

"Always happy to cuddle with you." She grinned and gave you a sweet peck before you continued to walk, making your way closer to home.

You're only a few blocks away. It really isn't a long distance. But it was a little too far today, considering that the wind was picking up and thunder was starting to crash. It wasn't close but it wasn't far, either.

You both began to walk a little faster, hoping you'd make it home before the rain would hit.

But you weren't fast enough and just a moment later, the rain started to fall. It started off as a light sprinkle, just enough to motivate you both to go faster.

But it picked up awfully fast and before you knew it, you were both soaked from head to toe.

You tugged at her hand, walking as fast as you possibly could. IU was running with you, grumbling over the rain about how this was just your luck and mother nature, of course, couldn't hold off just a few more minutes until you were home.

You couldn't help but laugh. The sound always makes her fall a little more in love with you every time she hears it, despite how long you've been together.

She suddenly came to a stop, causing you to stumble a little. She put her arm around you and pulled you against her chest before turning you around, staring at you with loving eyes.

"Why'd you stop?" You asked, only for her to begin to lean in, lips so close to yours that her breath fanned against your lips.

"Because I wanted to do this," she said before pushing her lips onto yours, moving her hands to your hips to hold you close as she kissed you passionately.

It's the first kiss you've ever shared in the rain. If possible, it was even more wonderful than usual. You could feel all the sparks flying around you as your lips moved perfectly against hers.

Your clothes were soaked and she'd surely be covering you both with blankets when you get home. But it felt worth it if it means getting to share this perfect moment with you.

She pulled away with a smile against your lips and a soft kiss under them.

"I love you." She whispered, brushing a lock of hair behind your ear.

"I love you too."

You leaned in for another kiss, only to gasp and jump at the crash of thunder as it hit again, surprisingly much closer than before.

"Okay, let's go home. We'll snuggle under the blankets together."

She booped your nose and when she saw you scrunch it up, she leaned in to brush the tip of hers against it.

"C'mon cutie. We can steal many more kisses today, at home, where you won't be shivering." She said and got you both home as fast as possible, getting you both out of your clothes and into dry ones before bringing you into her arms, promising she wouldn't loosen her secure grip until you felt warmer.

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