you're sick

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IU felt so excited to finally be home!

The day had been quite busy and tiring, so coming home to you helped lay her busy mind to rest.

She opened the door and went to call out for you, your name right on the tip of her tongue. But she froze when she saw you laying on the sofa with a blanket tightly wrapped around you to keep yourself warm, but she could tell, even from where she stood, that you were shivering slightly.

She quietly closed the door and took off her shoes before she approached you. She tiptoed toward you, trying to be as quiet as possible so she wouldn't wake you up.

Kneeling on the floor in front of you, she could see your cheek resting on the pillow. Your lips were parted and your eyebrows occasionally knit together from the discomfort you felt. She could tell you were shivering, so she carefully straightened your blanket for you before grabbing the one that laid over the back of the sofa and draped it to your shoulders.

She placed her hand on your forehead, frowning when she felt your feverish skin.

She didn't mean to wake you, but you stirred at her touch. You tried to open your heavy eyes but they closed again, only allowing you a glimpse of IU and the worry in her eyes.

"Baby?" She whispered sadly, caressing your warm cheek. "Are you alright? You've got a fever."

"I'm sick." You mumbled and shifted around from your side to your stomach in an attempt to ease the discomfort and the terrible ache in your stomach. Your muscles hurt with every move you made. "I can't move much. Everything hurts and I've already gotten sick."

"Oh, honey," she spoke softly and tried to comfort you by brushing her fingers through your messy hair. "You didn't call me?"

"Didn't wanna bother you. You've got lots to get done."

"Nothing is ever more important than you are." She mumbled. "I'll be right back. Do you need anything?"

"Water." You mumbled and turned your cheek to look at her. You nodded toward the empty bottle of water by the sofa and she nodded.

"Okay. I'll be back in only a second." She promised and planted a lingering kiss on your head before going upstairs to grab the thermometer to check your temperature and then made her way downstairs and into the kitchen to get you a glass of cold water before coming back to you.

Your eyes were closed by the time she came back. Soft snores fell from your lips, signifying that you'd fallen fast asleep. She pressed the thermometer against your temple, watching the numbers rise quickly before it beeped a few seconds later.

"One-hundred and two," she sighed sadly to herself then brushed her fingers through your hair. She noticed your skin was clammy when her fingers accidentally brushed against your forehead.

Your eyes fluttered open and she sent you a sad smile.

"You okay?"

You shook your head, trying hard to keep your tired eyes open despite how badly they wanted to close.

"Anything I can do to make you feel better?"

"Lay with me." You patted the spot behind you and IU was quick to climb in.

She hesitated to wrap her arms around you. She knew your stomach was sore and that you felt incredibly uncomfortable and she didn't want to make you feel any worse. She instead put one of her hands right over your stomach and let her fingers brush against it absentmindedly, making a soft sigh fall from your dry lips.

"Feels nice."

She kissed your neck softly, only an innocent peck to bring you a little comfort. She succeeded, knowing that by the smile that tugged at your lips.


"Yeah, my love?"

"Please lay here with me for a while."

"I won't go anywhere." She said, continuing to rub your stomach soothingly. "I promise. I'll take good care of you until you feel better. I'll make you some soup later and if you need anything at all, I'll get it for you in a heartbeat, no matter what it is." She promised, sealing it with another peck to your neck. "I just want you to feel better."

"You're here with me. I know it's only a matter of time until I do."

"I love you lots." She said and watched as your breathing became steady; rising and falling just as it does when you're fast asleep. She brushed a strand of hair behind your ear with her free hand, the other still moving along your stomach in comforting circles.

"Sweet dreams, y/n. I'm right here if you need anything." She whispered in your ear and then let her head fall onto yours before closing her eyes and drifting off to sleep with you.

IU Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now