fancams (requested)

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"Hi, my love," Your girlfriend greeted you with a kiss on your cheek after arriving home after a long and tiring day.

You were sitting on the sofa, one of your earbuds in as you watched something on your phone.

You had been so into what you were watching that you didn't even notice that Jieun was home until you felt her lips brush against your skin.

You jumped and quickly shielded your phone from her view and she couldn't help but furrow her eyebrows as you did so.

"Everything okay, baby?" She asked and watched you take your earbud out before nodding. "What were you doing?"

"Nothing." You said but she just chuckled.

"You're not a very good liar."

You sighed as she sat down beside you.

"Come on, let me see."

You shook your head and held your phone out of her reach but she began to tickle you, knowing you'd drop your phone sooner or later.

And she was right.

As she tickled you, you squirmed around and laughed uncontrollably, so hard that your stomach hurt.

"Stop it!" You laughed.

Your phone slipped out of your hands and you went to push her hands away, only for her to immediately pull them away and pick up your phone.

She wasn't trying to be invasive, she was just curious.

You hadn't locked your phone, so she was able to see what you'd been doing right away.

She looked away from your phone screen with a sparkle in her eyes and a smile on her face.

"You're watching my fancam?"

That's how you've been occupying yourself so far today, passing the time by watching her fancams.

The one you'd been watching when she arrived home was for lilac, which just so happens to be your favorite song by her.

You were completely mesmerized by her beauty and her stunning, angelic voice.

"Yeah." You said.

"You watch them a lot?" She wondered and you became a little flustered as you nodded your head. "Oh, baby,"

She peppered kisses across your face and you burst into giggles.

"You're so cute!"

"You know I'm your biggest fan." You told her as she pulled away to look into your eyes. "I'm super proud of you. I'm proud of how much you've accomplished. I love you; everything about you."

Her heart swelled with love.

She knows you're her biggest fan, her biggest cheerleader.

You do everything you can to always remind her of how proud you are and how amazing she is.

"I love you too." She smiled and kissed your lips.

You put your arms around her neck as she pulled you closer, so in love with you.

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