⚠️🃏Suicide Squad😈 Part 2

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Hows ya day :)

Hows ya day :)

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*enjoy some Bakugou as Harley Quinn fanart :) *

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*enjoy some Bakugou as Harley Quinn fanart :) *

Playing "Task Force X"

Playing "Task Force X"

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The screen lights up.
A man in a suit was walking at the LRT station to board the LRT. He suddenly stops and starts suffocating. He immediately faints and collapses onto the ground.
Momo:"Oh gosh,is he okay?"
Dabi:"I hope so~ *sarcasm*"
The security guard nearby rushed to the man.
Security:"Sir,sir. Are you okay? Breathe. Take it easy."
The security proceeds to talk to his walkie talkie.
A man from the crowd then comes near the man and claims to be a physician.
He started doing a check up on the collapsed man.He found no pulse so he proceeds to do CPR on him only to get caught off guard.
A tentacle suddenly emerges from the mans body. Piercing through both the physician and the security's body. The crowd start to panic and screamed. They ran into different directions.
The piled up bodies fell onto the train track and started absorbing the electricity. It slowly turns into demon looking monster.
Mina:"Oh my gawd,ewww!"
Shiggy:"For fucks sake"
Kaminari:"I just had a burrito and i think I'm gonna puke."
Sero:"Dude seriously?!"
The scene changes into a meeting room filled with military individuals and other important guest.
???:"Sir,the midwest city's under attack. It's not human entity."
???:"I think you know what to do. Activate Task Force X. Get Nezu and his all circus on scene."
???:"We're going live with Task Force X, pull up."
Aizawa:"Task force X?"
Author:"We'll get to that later!"
The scene changes into a prison hallway. Multiple geared up officers were heading towards Shindo's cell. Shindo who heard the ruckus outside was on guard.
The scene quickly switches to Bakugou's cell. He's cell seemed a lot different from the others. It was more large and security there was more tightened. Like the others, multiple guards also headed towards his cell. They opened the cage and pointed their guns at Bakugou.
Kirishima:"Why are they pointing weapons at Bakugou?"
Sero:"The mans didn't even do anything?"
Officer 1#:"Hands up high!"
Bakugou:"Hey,I'm cooperating alright. This is me being cool."
Officer 1#:"Take him."
Tokoyami:"Bakugou cooperating? Yea,i don't buy it."
Shinso:"Tru dat"
While one of the guards head towards him,he caught him by surprise and elbowed him. Bakugou started attacking every single officer in the cell. He jumped on one of the guards and grabbed a metal key he hid from his hair and stabbed the guard.
Bakugou:"Haha! Fuck yea! Stab the another one next!!!"
Toga:"So much blood!"
Dabi:"I impressed that he snuck a key in without getting caught. I mean,have you seen the security?"
Unfortunately,he was outnumbered. The remaining officers tasered Bakugou and he fell unconscious.
The scene continued to change back to Shindo's cell. The guards all gathered in a straight line with shields upfront,preparing for any attack. Shindo on the other hand was prepared to attack the guards who were about to bust in.
Officer 2#:"Open the gates! Everybody no distractions,let's go! Move,move!"
Shindo:"Yeah,open the door! Let's go!"
Shindo:"Now that's just not playing fair..."
The door opened and the guards cornered him.
The scene switches to another person's cell. This time it was Todoroki's. His cell was a large tank filled with water? The officer opened the tank and Todoroki was seen being pushed out of the tank by the intense water pressure. Once he was out,the guared gathered around him and injected him with something.
Kaminari:"Water....Why didn't i think of that..."
Kirishima:"All this time,we could've just poured water on Todoroki if he activates his fire side?"
Aoyama :"✨They outsmarted the impossible.✨"
The scene chnaged to Kirishima's cell.
Officer 3#:"Where you at?"
Kirishima:"Yea,where am I?"
The cell was a underground tunnel,it was dark and there was barely any light. One of the guards was then attacked by Kirishima who was hiding in the dark.
While the guard was being attacked,the others shot injections at Kirishima to make him pass out.
Officer 3#:"Thats the new guy?"
He said while glancing at the injured guard.

[DISCONTINUED] 🌈Mha/bnha react to multiverse🌈Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt