chapter three

546 7 2

warnings: none! other than taking about bdsm but duh
word count: 2.3k


"okay, so, regardless of what he says, i need this paperwork done by the end of the day today."

"okay, got it," erica, one of my assistants, nods and grabs the stack of paperwork from me. "it'll be back here by five."

"i appreciate it," i wave to her as she rushes out of my office. i get back to my own work, alternating between sketching and writing reports and getting on phone calls with people who need me.

the long day is starting to come to a close. i get the paperwork i need and wind up staying a few minutes late. i return from my quick run down the hall to my office and find my phone lit up, but it quickly shuts off. i try to catch the call but i just barely miss it. when i check my missed calls, i find that i have just missed matthew's call. i quickly dial him back.

"hi!" he exclaims, sounding somewhat surprised.

"hi!" i exclaim right back, sinking into my desk chair and kicking off my heels. "i just missed your call, sorry about that. i'm finishing up at work right now."

"i didn't even realize the time, sorry about that," matthew laughs softly and just that sound alone makes me smile. my heart flutters. "i just wanted to give you a call and check up on you."

"check up on me?" erica and penny wave goodbye to me through the glass doors, grab their bags and go home. i kick my feet up on the desk and wiggle my toes, thankful they are free from the confines of my heels. "for what?"

"well..." he trails off a bit and then clicks his tongue. "i just know that last night was your first munch and i just wanted to check in and make sure you're, you know, okay."

as if my heart wasn't already fluttering. i have to hold in some stupid lovestruck giggle. "i really appreciate you checking in on me. i'm okay! i really am. it was a lot of fun and i learned a lot and of course, i'm really appreciative that you told me the munch was happening! i never would've known without you."

"oh! okay, great. i'm glad. but, um," his voice trails off again and my eyes narrow at his hesitance, "if you did happen to have any questions or anything, i'm free tonight if you are."

a huge grin comes to my face. i think back to last night and how gorgeous he was and how sweet he was and how special he made me feel. i spin around in my chair excitedly. "i'm free tonight! did you have anything in mind?"

"you could just come over and i could make dinner, if you want. and we can just talk! we could always watch a movie or something too but—"

"yeah, that all sounds great. i'd love that. i'm just about to leave work. so could i go home and change and then come over? i'll just need your address."

"that sounds great!" matthew exclaims in the most adorable, excited way. "i'll send you my address and see you soon."

"i'll see you soon." we hang up and i collect all of my belongings, rushing out. i wave goodbye to the overnight security and speed home. i throw off my dress and change into comfier clothes, just sweats and converse, and head out to the address matthew gave me.

i drive up to this beautiful castle-like house, covered in vines with matthew's little car in the driveway. i hop out of my car, jaw dropped and barely even noticing the small droplets of rain coming down on me.

lock and key (matthew gray gubler fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now