Chapter 1.11

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Chapter Nine
Blood Related

"Number Five"

"I gave you all of me
My blood, my sweat, my heart, and my tears"

"I gave you all of meMy blood, my sweat, my heart, and my tears"

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Meanwhile, Luther was trying to find out why he was sent to the moon. As if that was the most important thing in the world. While Vanya was dating a killer and Layla was made out of DNA.

Five was trying to stop the fucking world from ending on his own because he was a stubborn old man just like Reginald once was. Everything felt as if it would implode in a matter of seconds. Finally, the time had come where Five was ready to talk to Layla on his own. His flashbacks had occurred more and more.

The traumatic state he was in for years was enough to drive someone to do something insane. Therefore, he did but his intelligence was stumped by the girl. She was merely strands of DNA from seven children. Yet, she was living and breathing like a normal human. Just as he and his siblings were.

Five's breath hitched as he saw the apocalypse. Burning buildings, lifeless bodies limp strewn across the dirt, the ground covered in ash, not green grass. Five saw himself as a young boy once again.

The Umbrella Acadamy in ruins. The only two not found were Ben and Vanya. Five snapped out of his nightmare.

Reassuring himself that it would be that way again in a few days. Tick tock the tie was ticking by faster than he wished. Most of the time he was stuck with a bottle of liquor and Delores in a van stalking a guy that made prosthetics.

"Five?" Layla giggles asking him as if she knew he wasn't okay. Part of being a part of him was the mental link Layla was weird. Five's fast wit traded through his personality however, Layla had a part of them all. Five wanted to protect Ayla he had an instinct too. Layla pulled Five to the testing room.

In the room where she was born, the blood dried one the wall from before Grace. Layla knew it was no use to pile boxes in front of the door yet she did. Five sat back studying her behavior from afar.

Unable for a child to trap someone in a room. Normally they would have been able to move the child with ease. When she finished "trapping" him, he saw an unusual blue glow in her eyes. Layla's hands were purple glowing she was floating like a comic book superhero.

"Layla? Layla Gray Hargreeves!" Five shouts her small body fell the pigtails in her hair fluffed up for the static electricity she was emitting from her body.

"I need help Five, Daddy isn't here to help and he always told me when he died to look at your work. But you're here now. Please big brother?" Layla was hyper and anxious she talked fast. Layla connected to Five more than anyone else. Layla pulled the puppy dog eye on Five he a highly trained assassin broke for his little sister. The Handler could never know she and the rest of his family was his only weakness.

"What?! Layla, I need to know everything about you to help." Five bluntly told her dumbfounded with her profound dialect.
"It's in Daddy's office," Layla told Five his face paled at the thought of going into the room he would have been punished for as a kid. Jumping into the office her portfolio of documents was organized in the same filing cabinet as the other numbers. Reginald monitored everything they did growing up.

However, Layla's wasn't under a number it was under a test run. Peculiar to someone who wouldn't know the difference between a human and whatever Layla could have been. Differentiating the files he found a list of her test runs dating back to the time he left. Layla was dormant after he left then after Ben passed.

"Test subject has scars on her body, potentially after her siblings." Five read mumbling hs wors Layla had been next to Luther helping him sort through the moon packages. "Updated the subject feels the other's pain, I estimate her full power replication will unleash when she is of age." Five read his finger following the words on the faded moleskin notebook page.

"Then who's powers is she replicating?" Five asked himself glancing back at the giggling child. Five went to flip the page giving himself a papercut on accident. "Ow! Motherfucker," Five swore shaking his hand in pain.

He saw Layla had blood in the exact same spot as he did. Five went over and made sure she was okay. Before lightly punching Luther's arm. It would slightly hurt a child. However, Luther may not be able to feel it. Layla cradled the spot on her arm where Five-hit Luther.

Luther was pissed at Five. He gave him a death glare if he wanted to kill Five he would.

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