Chapter 1.2

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Chapter Two
Blood Related
"We Only See Each Other at Weddings and Funerals"

"Scattered 'cross my family line
I'm so good at telling lies
That came from my mother's side
Told a million to survive
Scattered 'cross my family line
God, I have my father's eyes
But my sister's when I cry
I can run, but I can't hide
From my family line"

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 Luther’s childhood bedroom had a shelf of records which he decided to flick through them. Decided to play one letting the sound roam through the quiet house.

However, at very inappropriate timing they used the song as a chance to let loose. In different spaces, each sibling began tapping their head to the beat. Diego who was in the front room shut the doors and started dancing.

Along with his siblings who were dancing around the house. Luther was awkwardly dancing in the privacy of his room. Allison her room just across the hall from Luther had a boa she used as a costume growing up. Klaus was trying his hardest to summon their father into the kitchen.

He danced around hugging his adoptive father’s urn close to his chest. Spinning around with the music. Vanya was still in the dark foyer moving along privately to the beat. Using the stairwell as a prop. Much like her sister was using a boa. Everything was decent for once and at peace which even in adult-hood wouldn’t last long in the Hargreeves mansion.

Disrupting the peace vibrant lightning blue appeared in the back courtyard. Randomly this void came bursting to open in the sky. The loud abrupt commotion caused adrenaline that heightened fight or flight. The sound of glass shattering and wind whipping. Adults who didn’t fit together still bundled together at the time of the fight raced outside. Stand by made even the loneliest of people social.

An electromagnetic field slid knives into the wall and Klaus quickly caught the urn that slide across the table. “Daddy?” Klaus squealed fear striking him.”What is it?” Vanya asked, “Don’t get too close.” Allison warned, “Yeah no shit.” Diego responded “I think it’s a temporal anomaly or a black hole. One of the two” Luther said, “There is a pretty big difference there Paul Bunyon.” Diego retaliated.

Diego and Luther began to argue about who was to protect the rest. With the other two raging about who had more testosterone.  “Get out of the way!” Klaus said as he stupidly threw a fire extinguisher through the supposed anomaly or blackhole. Luther did call it because his big fat mouth couldn’t stay shut. “What is that gonna do?” Allison asked, “I don't know do you have a better idea?” Klaus told her.

“Get behind me!” Luther said n turned causing Diego to stand next to him “Yeah get behind us!” Diego shouted Allison rolled her eyes as her brothers were being stupid. “I vote for running.“ Klaus said, a figure came into view of the blue void.They walked closer to the boy that had just fallen from the sky. Darkness had disappeared and the sun came out. “Does anyone see little five or is that just me?” Klaus asked hoping he wasn’t going crazy.

His suit engulfed his pre-pubescent body. “Shit!” Five mumbled as he rushed past his siblings. Each sat in the kitchen watching Five make a peanut butter and marshmallow sandwich. “What's the date, the exact date?” Five asked grabbing peanut butter from the fridge “The 24th” Vayna told Five “Of what?”March,” Vanya said “Good,” He replied. “So are we gonna talk about what just happened?” Luther asks and Five ignores him

“It’s been seventeen years.” Luther says standing up “It’s been a lot longer than that,” Five says blinking away.“I didn’t miss that” Luther mumbled under his breath Five heard him but chose to ignore it.”Where did you go?” Diego asks “The future, it’s shit by the way.” Five said, “Called it!” Klaus remarked pointing his finger in the air. “I should have listened to the old man. Jumping through space is one thing but time is a toss of the dice.” Five admitted  

A young girl with braids in her hair and the dreaded school-girl uniform on her body. “Who are you and what are you doing in my house?!” She said before she screamed for Grace and Pogo.  “We could ask you the same thing.” Five told her.“Yes, Miss Layla?” Pogo answered slowly making his way into the room.

“Pogo who are these people and why do they say I’m the intruder? Do I need to take them out?” Layla asked her eyes turning an icy shade of blue as her hands omitted white lights. Five made a mental note to “Heavens no Miss Layla these are your sibling. They are here for your father’s funeral.” Pogo reassured Layla backed down. Still weary of them she kept her guard up. However, they ignored her anyways.

“Nice dress,” Five sarcastically complimented Klaus “Oh well Danke,” Klaus said not understanding the comment.”Okay well, how did you get back?” Vanya asked, “In the end, I had to project my conscious forward into a suspended quantum  state version of myself that exists across every possible instant of time.” Five replied,

“That makes no sense.” Diego said, “Well if would if you were smarter.” Five snapped back Luther stuck his arm out as Diego got up to fight with Five. “It is quite simple really-” Layla started “You know what I’ll just come back later." Layla said. "Heart failure huh?” Five says changing the conversation “Yes-” Diego remarks getting cut off by Luther “No-” Luther conspires “Nice to see nothing has changed,” Five says ignoring the girl in the kitchen. “That's it that is all you have to say?” Allison replies as he walks out “What else is there to say circle of life” Five respond eating his sandwich ready to search for Layla. “Well,” Luther says as Allison scoffs

“That was interesting.” Luther finishes. Five opens his wardrobe to find nothing has changed. Just a row of his old school-boy uniform. Five pulls at the hanger looking at the patch and remembering how Grace would sew them on by hand old navy blue and red blazer. Shuffling through to find one that could fit him. “Ah, shit.” Five mutters to himself knowing he has nothing else to wear. Pulling the hanger off the rack to go change.

After changing Five finds himself staring at his portrait in the living room. Vanya walks up behind him “Nice to know dad never forgot me.” Five said as Vanya was just about to say something as she walked up next to him. They both heard the sound of a blink. “Sorry, I will go find mom.” Layla apologized frantically as she randomly blinked in knocking over a statue shape like the top half of “David”. Meaning one of her counterparts had an emotion so strong she could or even would essentially glitch. Layla had no control over her powers sometimes as ballistic as they were they would roam free. Hence why it was easier for her to stay locked away from the world. As cruel as it may be she never got to experience it until she was alone and old enough to leave the lab.

Five was intrigued by the young girl knowing her intentions were innocent yet ever so deadly. She too was trapped in the bubble of their house. Never a home it was a house, built with forty-three bedrooms and nineteen bathrooms. After the commotion was settled Five went back to admiring his painting. “Read your book, by the way, found it in a library that was still standing.” Five told Vanya stuffing his hands into his pockets and turning around to face his sister.

“Thought it was good, all things considered. Definitely ballsy giving up the family secrets sure that went over well.” Five explained “They all hate me.” Vanya replied “Well there are worse things that could happen.” Five said “You mean like what happened to Ben?” Vanya asked “Was it bad?” Five questioned Vanya didn't say anything she just shook her head yes. Five looked down sadly his eyes began to wander around the room. Within a few hours, they all found themselves out in the pouring rain with their adoptive father’s ashes.

First Uploaded: November-December 2020

Edited: 08/01/2022

Word Count: 1409

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