Chapter 5

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Midoriya woke to a bright light in the bland 'room' he had started becoming accustomed to. He was on a medical bed, fixed by several cuffs and straps. He couldn't move his head as it was fixed in place so all he could do was squint.

"Ah, you're awake," A smooth voice spoke, "I'm surprised you even managed to fall asleep. Regardless, please try not to tense your muscles or we'll be required to sedate you."

That was all Midoriya was told before he felt a very sharp needle enter his arm. He desperately fought the instinct to tense and flinch as he felt the blood being pulled out of his arm. It felt a little excessive, and he began feeling a little light-headed but didn't complain.

When the blood was finally finished being pulled out, the individual said nothing and simply left the room, a small hole on Midoriya's arm still spilling out blood. It eventually clotted itself, but not before Midoriya lost a decent amount of blood.

However, nothing came from it as he was wheeled away to a different room with a variety of medical scanners.

"Now kid, because you won't give us any info, we're going to run an in-depth analysis on you," someone in a lab coat spoke, a clipboard in their hand. Several other individuals in lab coats approached Midoriya, taking various measurements and plugging him into many machines.

He just lay there as the machines made beeping noises, and the, presumably scientists, took measurements and readings whilst they were figuring things out. And that's when-

"Wait, his blood pressure... it seems different to normal. Did we take his blood pressure when he arrived?" One of the scientists asked, peering at various numbers.

"I don't believe so, however it was monitored on the van ride, so we can check that," Another replied, texting someone for the info, "Yep, it's in a packet on its way."

"Good good."

More time passed as nothing but the beeping of the machinery and shuffling of the scientists to, kind of, maintain Midoriya's sanity. The scientists all seemed surprised as they continued to take down various measurements and compare them to other data pinned elsewhere, before they all shuffled out and Midoriya was carted back to his cell.

"Alright prisoner, tell me, if we want information from you, what do you think is important?" A guard asked, leaning against the door.

"Having the right person," Midoriya replied dryly as he stretched a bit, having been released from the medical bed.

"Hilarious. No. We need you to be sane, and the easiest way for you to stay sane is through music," the guard responded, rolling their eyes, "And because we're so nice, and mostly because people tend to be more co-operative, you get to choose the music. Genre."

Midoriya sighed as he slumped against the wall, "Can I choose the artist?"

"If we're feeling nice."



"Alright. Protest songs?" Midoriya asked.

"Feeling ironic I see. Very well," The guard put on a playlist through the speakers. It seemed to primarily consist of Rage Against The Machine, bits of White Stripes, a little bit of Green Day, and some U.2.

The tinny little speakers in the roof of the cell began playing the songs, and Izuku leant against the wall, feeling his heart beat in his chest to the beat of the music as he hummed along. He had previously read about inmates going insane due to isolation, however those with a music background retained sanity as they were able to keep themselves occupied by reciting sheet music, or just music in general.

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