Chapter 13

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Midoriya sighed as he laid on the bed in his room. He had begun setting up the room layout in a way that he liked, which mostly involved making sure as much sunlight as possible would come in, with his desk having it's back to the door so he could work in the sun.

His eyes roamed the empty room and didn't land on anything in particular, scanning the empty shelves as his thoughts wandered.

He didn't really know what to think, ironically enough, an infamous chatterbox with thoughts that flew faster than Hawks had no idea what was going on. Of course, he thought about the class as a whole, but quickly remembered what Bakugo and Jiro had told him about that, soon crushing the thoughts.

Instead, they wandered to his new quirk, or original one perhaps. It was hard to say what was happening, and he gently stroked his throat as he felt the small surgery scar on it. What exactly they did to his voice-box didn't really matter, the result was the same nonetheless.

And of course, after the... experimentation performed on his hands, he didn't really know what would come of that. Would something else happen?

He focused his gaze on his hands for a little, his concentration drifting to them - although not intensely - yet he would've sworn he could see slight vibrations in the air around them. He shook his hands and rubbed his eyes, opting to worry about that at a more suitable time.

For now, he simply lay. He saw out of the corner of his eye the clock, and noticed that it was time for school to be over.

On one hand, Jiro and Bakugo would be back.

On the other, so would the rest of the class.

With that in mind, he stood up and double-checked that his room door was locked, before sighing again. He kind of felt bored, and yet didn't really care enough due to the fact that there was so much going on in his mind.

The thoughts he had were rushing, all competing for his attention as he attempted to sort through them. He clenched his hands tightly, feeling himself shaking and a slight drawing of blood as his chiselled fingernails dug into his skin.

He should probably do something about that. His fingernails - the bleeding would stop itself but the past day of stress and the week of torture had really taken a toll on him.

He went into his dorm's bathroom and went through the cabinet, actually exploring what was in there properly. There was disinfectant but no medications - probably for safety reasons and he imagined that there would be some in the kitchen. 

There was also some nameless, generic brand soaps and shampoos that Midoriya would end up replacing at some point with those that he preferred.

But he did end up finding the nail clippers and he set himself up over the small bin in the bathroom, methodically trimming his fingernails as he chipped away the sharp edge of each. Doing something like this, however slight, really helped calm his mind as he focused on the simple actions involved.

It wasn't long before he was done, and he placed the clippers back away in the cabinet, as he laid back on the bed. He turned his head to look at the small digital clock on the bedside table, the red lines showing him that it was almost time for the students to be done with school.

The bell soon confirmed that for him.

The ringing of it was fairly quiet, in fact he doubted most people would even be able to hear it from the dorms at all. Regardless he felt quite nervous, and he thought that was fair enough given everything that had been happening these past few days.

He still didn't know how to approach the rest of the class, or at least didn't know how to react when the rest of the class inevitably approached him. He was hoping that Bakugo and Jiro would be around, but of course because he couldn't speak normally to them he was concerned at how long it would take to sort things out.

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