Chapter 20

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While the rest of the class had various internships at heroes that had sent requests for them, Bakugo went with Best Jeanist and Jiro went with Present Mic, Midoriya was still at school. He was spending most of the time with Aizawa, who was quickly becoming more of a father figure with each passing day.

With all the other students out, Midoriya and Aizawa were left to their own devices, and the first day they spent together was mostly Aizawa helping Midoriya go through the notebooks, making sure to encrypt them properly and once they were finally done, properly disposing of all the notebooks that were of high quality with fire.

Lots of fire. It was kinda cool.

Although they did keep a lot of the older notebooks done in crayon, Aizawa saying something about it would be funny to keep to show off as Midoriya got older. Well at least Aizawa was taking to being his guardian well.

Actually that might go badly for him if he didn't want to get embarrassed. Especially if Yamada ended up getting involved with it.

Ah, problems for future him.

After they did that, they spent a lot of time determining the limits of Midoriya's quirk. And so, for the first time in what felt like forever, he took the muzzle off whilst outside. He stretched his arms as Aizawa stood nearby with Recovery Girl.

The elderly nurse was nearby with various items of medical equipment, monitoring dozens of different things simultaneously as they had a few other things to try. Although, Midoriya currently was not a fan of needles. Not in the slightest.

But right now, trying to figure out what his quirk did at a base level and at it's limits would be really, really useful. One part at a time. There was some testing he wanted to run regarding his hands - he found during the sports festival when he got excited or stressed the air around his hands would seem to wobble a little - but first was the obvious part. His vocal chords.

"Alright kid, normally I'd get Hizashi to help with this kind of thing, but at the same time he'd probably be too excited to get anything done. Anyway, for now, just try and talk at what would be approximately be my volume normally," Aizawa instructed at a level tone, at a volume that he would use within the classroom once the class where listening to him. Although, him and Recovery Girl standing well behind Midoriya.

Midoriya nodded, and spoke a single word. 


The effects of the word were long reaching, the ground immediately in front of him rapidly being torn up and the voice effectively booming. They were at one of the otherwise empty fields, normally used for these kinds of test, but even then the extent to which the boom reached was obvious. Aizawa and Recovery Girl both had to take a step back, and the dust that covered the field was quickly swept up in a wind funnel.

"Alright kid, well that was certainly something. We... won't be testing you yelling for a little while. Let's just test you talking quieter instead," Aizawa said, unable to help the grin on his face at the display of destructive power - it was incredibly satisfying and admittedly fun to watch.

Midoriya nodded, and repeated the same action, but at a significantly lower volume (at least in theory). And it was, the ground this time wasn't ripped up and it clearly faded out much faster, with only visible effects being the wobbling air. Honestly getting a target would be ideal to be able to measure things more effectively, but they'd need the support department to work on something like that.

"And now whisper," Aizawa said, writing some notes down on a smaller notepad he was carrying with him.

Midoriya did just that, and it seemed as though it barely carried anywhere, however Recovery Girl mentioned that this had a significant strain on his vocal chords as it appeared his body had to put a lot of effort in attempting to keep the word as quiet as it was, although both adults were still capable of hearing it be spoken. Effectively Midoriya's whisper was soft, but it's volume came across as a normal speaking voice.

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