Chapter 10

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Midoriya breathed in. He breathed out. He looked over the dorm room that was to become his. It was a definite upgrade, he thought cynically. The room was surprisingly clean and from what Aizawa-sensei had told him, the only students that would ever be on this floor were Bakugo and Jiro. Apparently the two of them had made a mini living room with the spare room next to Jiro's after the alienation from the rest of the class as a result of their belief in his innocence.

On one hand, he loved that Bakugo and Jiro cared so much and were so certain of him, on the other he was not so happy about the way the class thought of him, or the people that had stood by him. 

Frankly, he didn't know what to think of the rest of the class, other than that he really didn't like them all too much. It was definitely going to be a long time before he could honestly tolerate them without one of his anchors in the room, but that would be a problem for later. For now, he had forms to sign.

Not too long after they had made it to the dorms and Aizawa-sensei had made it to his room, he explained some other going-ons regarding his situation.

"So, after talking to your mother, it was deduced that she was neglectful, if not abusive. Unfortunately, due to the media coverage of the situation, it would be impossible for us to potentially arrest her for her crimes. Additionally, whilst Nezu and All Might did say that they would be working on restoring your name, it's hard to say how long that will take. As such, if you want to go anywhere outside of U.A, make sure you let me know and I'll organise some form of security detail whether it be myself, Mic or Midnight. Of all the teachers here, they're the ones I'd trust the most and honestly would admit they're pretty good friends of mine. BUT don't go repeating that to anyone, got it?" Aizawa-sensei said, as Midoriya looked around the room that would become his.

"Wait so who is my... who is looking after me?" Midoriya signed, after realizing half-way through that he didn't know how to sign 'guardian'. 

"Well kid that's currently up in the air. If you'll let me, I'd take that role and would do my best to support you. After all, you've been through a lot and I know that you're a good kid. I saw what you did at the U.S.J, and after reviewing some of the footage from it I can see you have a heart of gold. Whether or not it remains that way is up to you, and whatever you choose I'll support you. Hell, if you want to stop going to U.A and go to a different school or even stop trying to be a hero all together I'll do my best to facilitate that."

At that, Midoriya began tearing up, or a close equivalent as he hadn't had many fluids recently. He was kind of malnourished and dehydrated and it was taking a toll. Aizawa noticed this and gently put an arm around the boy's shoulder, waiting to see his reaction before gently pulling the boy closer.

"It's alright kid. I'm here for you."

The two stayed close, in an odd side-ways hug with Midoriya at Aizawa's side, Aizawa's arm around the boy's shoulders as Midoriya pulled himself together.

"Come down to the common room; I'll make you plenty of food that you can stock your fridge with. I know you won't feel like eating heaps but this way as you regain your appetite you'll be able to want to eat more."

Midoriya simply nodded and Aizawa cracked a small smile at the boy, the two making their way down the stairs. 

Eventually they made it to the common room. Whilst it was barely past school start, Midoriya was fairly hungry despite having had breakfast, although admittedly it was an incredibly light breakfast. He sat down on the couch and Aizawa nodded towards the T.V remote before heading to the kitchen. "I'll... see what I can make that freezes or keeps well. You may just end up with a bunch of different soups because I'm not the best cook, but oh well."

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