᪣ ιnғo мagιc, occυpaтιon, raceѕ, and creaтυreѕ ᪣

403 17 11

ᎬᎠᏆͲϴᎡ: KingRajah KingRajah


Are unknown elements that that seems like a natural elements.

What make those two different is that, the natural elements are come from nature, obviously. But there's more to it.

Nature elements doesn't have have the limit as long as their cycle are spinning.

Magic elements has a limits. Multiple limits. It can go run out if it is too many times. It will go wild, causing havoc everywhere if a person can't control them. Or worse, it can cause the wielder turn into a normal person. Magic-less, a nightmare for the wielder.

Magic has so many elements, but the common ones are only 6:

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Magic has so many elements, but the common ones are only 6:

Fire - Aiga • Red
Water - Ain • Blue
Earth - Gyre • Brown
Air - Gul • Green
Light - Luo • Yellow
Dark - Kuo • Purple

And there's also the uncommon one:

Ice - Vudu • Pastel blue
Magma - Dyne • Red with orange
Lightning - Gio • White
Shadow - Sawn • Black
Time - Takwu • White with Yellow
Blood - Hadra • Dark red

Sometimes, people just make their own magic. Their own unique magic where no one but their descendants or their disciples can do it. Making magic has so many potential.

Magic Essence, is something that need to be known the most.

Magis Essence is like Magic Mana. But what makes those two different is that Magic Mana is something that can be use and refill again. Mana Magic can't do that as Mana Essence are use as a last resort for the wielder.

Life Essence and Magic Essence is also different as Life Essence is something that keeps a soul and the body of the wielder stay together. Life Essence is also something that keep people from getting sick. It also be use as a sign that someone is not a Undead nor they are Daemons as it can be smelled. All races has different smell, and we're gonna talk about it later.

Magic Essence are what a wielder needs to control their magic. Magic Essence is like Life Essence, it has a scent that can be identified if someone is a normal human or a wielder. It was so people can identify which is the normal one, which is the wielder.

Why is that?

It's simple. Laws.


There are so many jobs that people can do.

But the job that we're talking about right now is a job based on the magic elements.

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