gummy bears

429 46 35

"YES, yes. I will pay my rent! Just wait for 2 days because that's my pay day. I swear, I won't hide from you again! Yes! Thank you, Mrs. Song!"

The sound of a call hanging up and hushed "yes" can be heard on one of the lonely nights of Gangnam. It came from a woman named Jisoo, who was walking alone from work.

She just came from working overtime but she doesn't look tired at all. In fact, she was smiling while humming some new girl group's song.

She needed to get to the bus station fast or she might not catch the bus but Jisoo took her time to feel the cold air blowing on her face. It was only a once in a lifetime to feel the breeze and relax her mind in the midst of the busy city.

Soon enough, she saw the bus station from afar and found out that there are no people. Of course, it's almost 11PM.

Or she thought so.

As soon as she reached the bus station, she saw a man lying in the ground which made Jisoo gasp.

Jisoo helped the man get up and the smell of alcohol hit her. He must've drunk until he can't lift his head. Nevertheless, she tried her best to make him sit.

"Sir? Sir? Can you understand me?" She tried to talk to him but the stranger only muttered incoherent words that she can't understand.

Jisoo could only sigh and sit beside the unknown man. She rummaged her bag and found her precious pouch of gummy bears, perfect for her now stressed out mind.

She looked at the man beside her. He looks like an employee based on his clothes but when she saw the rolex watch, she realized he's just not a simple employee. He must be a manager or something.

While she was chewing those gummy treats, the man said something which made Jisoo turn her head towards him.

"Angela... how could you do this to me... i never looked at other women... but here you are changing men like clothes..." He stammered in his words but Jisoo surely heard it.

So he drank because he was brokenhearted? What a poor soul. Jisoo thought.

She tried to talk to him again but the stranger fell asleep, his head hanging low. Pitying the poor guy, she moved his head to her lap, letting the guy sleep comfortably in the best that she can.

Jisoo waited for her bus to come so that she could go home but at that moment, when the bus arrived, she doesn't feel the need to go and leave the drunk stranger all alone again.

What Jisoo did was she booked a taxi, even if it costed her more, and let the stranger ride with her.

Because she doesn't know where the man lived, she tried to find his wallet, hoping that there is some information about him. When Jisoo found it in his coat, she was shocked to find out who is he.

Kim Taehyung
CEO, Kim Corporation

That's where she works!

Technically, she doesn't know his face because she worked at the other branches of the company, not in the main branch in the US where the company was built. Many employees said that their ceo is scary and intimidating but seeing her big boss like this, she didn't find him scary at all.

In fact, he looked like a baby sleeping and crouched to fit himself in the back seat that was smaller than him.

Jisoo also tried to find his address which was luckily in one of his ID.

"I'm so sorry, president. I'm doing this for your sake. Don't fire me, please," Jisoo whispered as she put back his wallet in his coat and told the old driver his address.

As soon as they reached his house, Jisoo was gaping at how large it is. It's not a house, it's a mansion!

She struggled to carry her boss to the guard house but she made it.

"Sir!" The guard shouted in surprise. "What happened to him? How did you get him here?"

Jisoo explained how she found her boss and how she got him there.

After a few explanations and a 'thank you', she finally got to go home. And it's 1:36AM already so she could only have atleast 6 hours of sleep.

I hope I could wake up on time.

NO, she didn't wake up on time. And now, she was running late.

She was speed-walking while trying make herself presentable. She is the new team leader of their new project of their company so she needs to look like a team leader.

Once she reached the company, Jisoo ran to the elevator while saying sorry to those people who she bumped into.

As soon as she reached her floor, her bestfriend's face greeted her sight first.

"Jisoo! I've been waiting for you! The president's here!" Rosé informed her which made her panic. The president rarely visits their company branch. His last visit was even two years ago so many are panicking, mostly the new ones because they didn't know how to act around him. Just like Jisoo who was hired just two years ago but in a different branch.

"Why is he here? Is there anything wrong?" Jisoo asked calmly even though her stomach was churning. She was so nervous.

Rosé shrugged. "I don't know. But the he is calling for you in his office earlier! Go there, quickly!"

Then she pushed Jisoo to the office made for the president when he visits.

"Wait, wait!"

What if he found out that I'm the one who saw him in the bus station? What if he fires me? But I still haven't paid Mrs. Song! What do I do—

"Ms. Kim of the Marketing Team? Am I right?" Their president asked coldly, which made her feel chills in her spine.

They are really right. He is, indeed, scary!

She nodded. "Yes, I am Kim Jisoo. The new team leader of the new project stationed in this branch. Is there anything I could do for you?"

He looked at some documents while Jisoo only stood there which made the silence surrounding them more awkward than it was.

After a few minutes, he put down the papers he was holding and stared at her eyes. Jisoo wanted to look down but she can't disrespect their big boss.

Oh gosh, how scary his stare is.

"Can you tell me what progress you've made so far in the new project?" He asked in a cold manner.

"O-oh... Yes, I can!"

Mr. Kim laid back in his seat and said, "then start."

She confidently told him all the ideas and progress that surrounds their entire project, including the statistics and results of the research they've made.

"I'm impressed with the progress your team has made so far. I think that's why you became the team leader with just two years of employment in this company. Now that I've heard your report, you may go now."

Jisoo felt complimented so she became less tensed around their boss. "Thank you, sir!" She bowed politely and walked away.

AFTER the team leader walked away, Taehyung took out a pouch from his coat.

"Kim Jisoo, huh? Interesting." He smiled while taking out a piece inside the pouch and ate it.

Inside that pouch was gummy bears and a note that says,

"A gummy bear a day keeps the pain away. I hope you won't be brokenhearted anymore, Sir. - Gummy Chu ♡"

I was supposed to post another story but it took me so much time to research and form an outline based on the things I searched so yeah, I did this while thinking of the gummy bears that was being delivered to me as of now.

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