papa don't preach

349 31 11

[read mama, i'm inlove with a criminal first, lol.]

Oh no, they found out.

It started when her mother saw her messages with him. She was reprimanded a lot but surprisingly, her mother never told her dad.

Until her dad found a lead that she was somehow connected to V. Of course, she denied it strongly but her mother beat her to it. She remembered how she looked at her mom with disbelief as she told her dad all the messages.

"M-mom..! What are you saying?"

Mrs. Kim glared at her. "You have to stop this nonsense, Jisoo! I don't want to have your life ruined just because you fell in love with that criminal!"

She betrayed her!

Now, she was locked in her room and her windows was shut close. Her father then confiscated her phone and scolded her. They even fought over her phone. There was no way she could come out and escape.

But she was calm, smiling even. It was because she trust him, that Taehyung will come find her and they will escape and live the life like Bonnie and Clyde.

Turns out it can't be like that. they can't be like that. Because they are not Bonnie and Clyde. They're just Jisoo and V, a couple born out of hopelessness and manipulation.

The time finally came, the time when the great serial killer and kidnapper V was caught and he was arrested for multiple charges. When Jisoo heard about it, for once, she begged to be released.

"F-father, please let me see him! I won't go away. I'll just stay still and never do anything... Just please let me see and talk to him.. Even for the last time.."

Of course, her father disagreed. "No. I won't let you see that man who tricked my daughter!"

She was confused with his words. He never tricked her! They both fell in love with each other. It was pure love and affection. He even said he will marry her.

But to her surprise, her mother talked to her father to let her.

"I will let you see how wicked that man is. You'll regret that you even felt affection for him. He doesn't deserve it, Ji. I'm telling you this." Her mother told her after she was granted the permission to visit him.

What are they saying? Are they trying to poison her mind? Her anger for them increased.

She was with two police when she visited him. When Jisoo saw him, her face lit up in excitement.

In no time, she reached his table. The two bodyguards stood far from them, giving them privacy.

"I can't believe they got you, oh my God." She took his arms and checked for any injury. "Did they hurt you?"

"No," he replied rather coldly, which was new to her because she didn't know he could use such tone. Especially to her.

She didn't pay no mind to his cold attitude and continued talking as if that didn't pinch her heart a little.

"Oh, can you believe what my father said? He told me you were tricking me! As if that could happen... I know that all you said is true. You even told me you're gonna marry me someday, right? How ridiculous-"

"So they told you already, huh?" Taehyung cut her off, saying the words she didn't expect.

He was giving her a lot of surprises today.

She laughed awkwardly, feeling nervous all of the sudden. Jisoo wore a confused face, gone the excited demeanor she showed earlier. "What are you talking about..?"

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