Chapter One: "I'm..."

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A teen sits on top of a building in Republic City, wearing a black t-shirt, and black track pants. He sat up there, bored. Next to him was a police scanner, as he waited for something-, anything to happen. He got bored at Air Temple Island, and decided to sneak off in the middle of the day. Smart? No, but he could care less at the moment.

The radio went off finally. "Calling all units, calling all units, there is a hijacked subway train in the downtown area, GRC Line, single cart has been detached and is speeding down the express track, hostages involved."

"That's my cue." the boy said, putting on a black ninja mask, then jumping off of the building, using fire to boost him to the next. He kept this up, running and jumping on rooftops, going to where he could intercept the train. The train would come into view, Crossing Kyoshi Bridge, sirens blaring as they followed the train from the car section of the bridge.

The masked boy would use airbending to boost him downwards, landing on the sidewalk of the bridge, and opening the gate to enter the subway compartment. The single cart zoomed by him, one of the hijackers blasting fire his way, the boy jumped out the way, almost getting hit, and the fire hitting the opposite track.

"Damn that was close." he said, looking back up, the train was getting away at high speeds. "I can't let them get away!" He ran back up to the car sector of the bridge, looking around. Cops had the bridge road blocked, and a bunch of drivers were angry. The boy quickly spotted a motorcycle, and it's driver talking to the cops. The masked character ran on top of car hoods, and jumped on the motorcycle. "I hope you have insurance." he said to the driver, before speeding off. The driver ran out, and yelled. "Dick head!" she screamed at the top of her lungs.

WIth one hand, he shifted the ground with earth bending so that the cop cars were out the way, he had a bunch of open roads to pick up speed.

"Officers be advised, we have a 10-27 on the Kyoshi Bridge, driver en route to the Industrial Sector."

"Shit." he said to himself, two cop cars began chasing after him. He sped the motorcycle up, and knew that there was something he could use as a ramp coming up, to boost the bike onto the tracks before the subway went back underground. He heard the officers yell.


"Fuck it.'' The boy used his own ramp early, earth bending the ground so the bike was shot in the air, it was unstable and hard to control, quickly regretting. It looked like he was going to miss the tracks, and instead hit the top of the tunnel, he closed his eyes, and to his surprise, the motorcycle landed on the tracks, still going fast.

"Haha! Let's go!" He rode behind the train cart, as they zoomed past a station, people on the platform able to see the ongoing chase.

"I can't earthbend underground, way too risky, and it could hurt some of the hostages... I gotta stop this train!" He saw a turn coming up on the tracks, and got to a different side of the tracks, so that he could see the turn and steer properly. His vision of the cart was blocked off for a moment, blocked behind a wall that separated the tracks for the turn.

When the turn was over, he was right next to the cart, and the wall had stopped. He got behind the train, revving the motorcycle up as fast as he could, the back door to the train open-, so he planned to jump off the bike, into the cart. He balanced himself, nervous, and no hands on the motorcycle, with limited time, he quickly acted, jumping into the train cart, the bike crashing on the tracks behind him.

He stood up in the cart, and saw all the hostages, some grabbing onto the poles, some against the doors, all with a fearful look on their face.

"Where are the hijackers?!" the masked boy asked. "They jumped off the train! Theirs nobody driving it, and the emergency breaks won't work!" a lady yelled, the boy's eyes widened. "Um... shit!" He ran to the front of the train. "Excuse me." he said to the passengers, the boy used airbending to blow the door down, getting into the motorman's cab.

He quickly grabbed the radio to call the command center. "Command Center! Command Center! We need help, please!" he yelled. "This is command center! Who are we speaking to? Where are the hijackers?!" a man asked. "They jumped off the train! Nobody's driving, we're picking up speed, and coming down the track fast! We need a red light signal right, it'll trip the brakes on the train automatically!"

Up ahead, all green lights were shown in the tunnel.

"That's virtually impossible-, those trains aren't meant to be driven with nobody holding the handle. How are you-." the man was cut off. "GIVE US A FUCKING RED LIGHT!"

Ahead, the train would come back outside, helicopters were there to follow the chase. The boy looked back at the passengers, and then to the front again, the train shaking as they hit top speed. Up ahead, was a sharp turn that would derail the train.

"Look! Everyone! Hold onto the poles, and brace for impact!"

He watched the passengers scramble, as he breathed in, and earth bended the tracks beneath them, the train was shot into the air, everyone screamed for their lives, the boy falling forward, and kicking down another door, as they began to fall, he used airbending to blow the train upwards, in an attempt to make the fall less hard, still falling at a fast speed, the train smacked down in the middle of the street, falling over to the side, and finally stopped.

The boy collapsed, as well as everyone else, they heard cop sirens in the distance. "Please.... Tell me if everyone's okay!" the boy asked, catching his breath, and looking to his side, seeing the passengers, though some were hurt from the fall, they were all alive and okay. "Yeah... we're good!" said an older man.

"You... you bended-, you bended Earth, Fire, and Air!" a teen on the cart said. "Oh... " the boy laughed, realizing that he messed up-, and people in the cart, even outside, could catch on.

"Yeah... i'm... heh... i'm The-."



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