Chapter Two- Origins.

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245 AG.

"Mommy! Mommy! Watch me do it again!" a little boy said, as he jumped in the air, using fire bending to boost his way up to the ceiling of his apartment, as he floated down, he used air to boost his way towards the woman. The boy stood with a bright smile on his face, messy spiky hair, looking up at the adults standing before him.

"Well, do you need any other proof that he's the Avatar?" the lady asked, looking at the White Lotus members that were in her home. "We'll take him to Air Temple Island. We can discuss more with Master Jinora. RIght now, the safety of the boy is of the utmost importance." 


White Lotus members walked with the Avatar, and two women. Escorting them to a room. Once it opened up, they saw the elderly woman. The young boy looked around the room with curiosity, wandering off while everyone else walked towards Jinora. "Master Jinora, we present to you Mrs. Kiera and Marie," said the officer. "It's an honor to meet you, ma'am, really, you have no idea." said Kiera, both her and Marie stepped up to bow to her.

Jinora smiled, bowing to the women and showing her mutual respect. "The honor is mine. And I'm assuming the boy is our special guest, yes?" Jinora asked, looking at the child, who had been looking at a snow globe. "What is your name, young man?" Jinora asked, as he jumped up, turning around, everyone in the room looking at him. "Meruan-." he said, walking to Marie's leg and hugging onto it. "Well Meruan, it's nice to meet you, young Avatar." Jinora said with a comforting tone.

"With introductions out of the way, we should get down to business." a tall, bearded officer said. "Of course, Wyn." Jinora replied, walking to take a seat. "It should be of the top priority right now to move the Avatar here to Air Temple Island, so that we can begin properly training him. Here we can protect him, and make sure that he has all that he needs to succeed and prosper." Wyn spoke in a strong, powerful and commanding voice. 

"With the world and its technology constantly advancing, new conflicts are likely going to arise within the coming decade. A new era for the world. We need to be sure that if that time comes, he is able to do what the Avatar always has, and bring balance to this world."

257 AG

Outside in the daytime, a sparring match is going on. Meruan and a girl about the same age as him, are fighting in the courtyard of Air Temple Island. The airbender and the Avatar stand on opposite sides of the yard, Meruan standing up straight with his eyes closed, and the airbender standing in a ready stance. 

"BEGIN!" a woman called out. 

The two rushed at each other, Meruan, boosting into the air, as well as the girl, he grabbed her by the shirt, only to get air blown in his face that sent him hurtling towards the ground, before he landed face first, he used air to hold himself up briefly, landing on his feet and sliding back some. The girl landed behind him, throwing quick punches his way, to which he got hit by a few, he looked up at her, then grabbed her hand as she threw another punch to his back, holding her hand up in the air.

"Too slow, Yang." Meruan said with a cocky smirk. Tossing her back to the center of the courtyard, landing, she looked up with a smirk. "I know you aren't one to say anything." she laughed, the two charging at each other and both began to exchange punches, some of their fist connecting at the same time, before Meruan got hit across the face, falling back. "Why you-!" he got back up, heating his hands up with fire, he launched the fire that traveled fast and knocked her on the ground.

"Enough!" the lady called out. "I'd say you both got your hits in. Sadly, there's only so much you can fit into a ninety second match." she said, walking to the courtyard and helping Yeng up.

AVATAR: Modern EraOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora