Chapter Ten- Mysteries

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Yang had been flying on her bison, heading towards the Embassy. She had been in her own thoughts. What would this journey be like? How successful would it even be? Most of the reason she was going was because she didn't want Meraun going out into the world on his own, hunting down terrorists no less. "I hope you know what you're doing buddy..."

She looked ahead at the Embassy building. The full building was like a campus, one big building that had operations for everything, Space, Military, and Communications for the United Republic were there. In another portion, there was a runway and hangar for the military. Planes, Jets and tanks were all around.

Yang landed down outside the main building, petting her bison as she hopped down. "Stay here Sadie, I won't be long." she said, giving the bison a friendly smile as she walked into the embassy. She walked up to a lady that had sat at one of the front desks. "Excuse me... i'm sorry if it's rude to come here unannounced, but i'm from Air Temple Island-, one of the Avatars friends. He sent me here to get some information from the Coms Center, do you know who I could go to for that?" she asked the woman, who took a long look at her. "You're not some random kid trying to get into a government building are you? Cause you know that's a federal offense." the lady replied. "Please ma'am, you could see me on TV next to Meruan for a few-, i'm not lying to you."

The lady looked at Yang longer, typing on her computer Meruans speech, clicking on the video and making sure. She looked at Yang again, and sure enough, she was the same girl. "Alright. Take the elevator to S7, see Damian Davis. He's the head com guy." she wrote it down for Yang, giving her a small card. "Thank you. You're really pretty by the way-." Yang said, the guard left in a rather upbeat mood after that.

Yang went up to the S7 Floor, walking the halls and looking around the place. She soon found an office with dual glass windows on both sides, on the other side she could see a screen that had a world map. She knocked on the door, opening it up as a man turned around. "Who are you?" he asked. "Sorry... i'm Yang, a friend of Avatar Meruan." she said. "Oh. It's nice to meet you Yang-, what brings you here?" he sat down, looking out the window, a cup of coffee in his hands as he took a sip. "Meruan was wondering if uh;... you guys had the information as to where last night's broadcast was." she asked. "Hm. I don't know if I should give that info, General Wyn might not be happy about that." he said, rubbing his beard. "Come on, it's the Avatar. How could this be a bad thing?" she asked.

He looked at the other workers in the room. "Clear out." he told them, as they walked out, he turned to Yang. "With all respect, you two are just kids. I don't feel safe giving you that kind of information." he said. "I understand your concern, but sir, come on. What bad can we do with that kind of information?" she sat across from him. "Just don't tell Wyn. Me and Meraun won't tell anyone else, this is something that'll stay between me and him only. You have my word." she raised her hand up.

"God... I could lose my job for this.. The broadcast came from the Misty Palm Oasis. Out in the Earth Kingdom desert." he said. Yang looked at the map, then back at him. "Thank you." she said, standing up. "You two plan to go after The Federation, correct?" Damian took another sip of the coffee. Yang looked back at him, she leaned on the door. "Yeah. We're gonna uh-, take em down." she said, but it was just a tad unconvincing in her tone. "You don't sound so confident." Damian replied. "I just don't know how we're gonna do it, but I know it's gonna get done." she said, that time there was more confidence. "They're responsible for too many people dying. It doesn't matter if it takes a lifetime, they are gonna go down." she bawled her first up.


Meruan had been gliding around the city, He was heading to the outskirts of Republic City, toward where Ace lived. He sighed, looking down at the city. He flew by the building that had collapsed, seeing how the building's top half had been destroyed. It pained him, making him feel weak, he brought himself down to the balcony of a building, grabbing onto it.

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