Chapter Seven- Spirits

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Meruan walked into the Spirit Portal, and looked around, checking his surroundings once he was in the Spirit World. It was a beautiful sight, something that lit up a genuine smile on his face. It distracted him for a brief moment, reminding him of what good truly existed. "Alright. I've gotta contact Korra... this could take a while." he said, looking around and spotting a tree.

He walked up to it, climbing inside and seeing that there were no spirits inside of it-, he wouldn't be distracting or interrupting anything, a perfect spot. He sat down, closing his eyes. "Meditate... meditate...." he said, sighed. Soon, spirits would walk to the tree. They felt the presence of the Avatar nearby, and all gathered around the tree, watching Meruan without him even knowing.

Air Temple Island

Later on in the day, Wyn would come back to the island after dealing with the embassy. He walked inside, heading to Meruan's room. He knocked on the door twice, and when he heard no response, he spoke. "Boy?" he asked. Once he opened the door, he saw that Meruan was gone, which left him puzzled.

He walked to the courtyard, where Yang was doing some training, and called out. "Yang. Do you know where Meruan has gone?" he asked. "Has he gotten better?" Yang stopped her set of push ups, and looked over at Wyn. "Uh, yeah, he was feeling better. He woke up last night and told me he was going to the Spirit World today." she said. "What is he doing there?" Wyn looked at the portal, it's light shining in the sky. "He's trying to contact Korra, he saw her a couple of times. We even went to Jinora about it."

"I see." Wyn said. "Let him know that when he gets back, I won't be here. I'll be on a mission, out in the Fire Nation." he said. "Why are you going out there?" Yang tilted her head. "Two teams of the United Armies are moving out to both the Fire Nation and Earth Kingdom, to try and get some ideas as to what's going on on both ends. We're not going in looking for a fight, but if a fight comes, we're prepared.." he said, looking down at Yang. "We're about to head into another world war, aren't we?" she asked, hoping for a no.

"Maybe it won't be like the Hundred Year war, but it'll still be a war where most of the world's nations are engaged. The only ones not involved is the Watertribe, and even they might be at risk for a future attack." Yang let her thoughts out, the teen fearful of the worse, like all youth in the world at the moment. They had never lived through something even close to this, only hearing about it through history classes and documentaries.

"Do not fear that outcome, young airbender. We all will get through this, one day and one step at a time. We've seen the worst, even here in this very city. We can get through anything, as long as we keep hope, and stick together."

Meruan sat in the tree still, the meditating coming to no avail. "Man.... this blows." he stood up, walking out of the tree, and seeing all the spirits surrounding the tree, all of them with eyes on him. "Look-, there he is, the Avatar!" one said. "It's been so long since you came!" the spirit said with excitement. Meruan slid down the tree, giving them all a gentle smile.

"Sorry that it took so long for me to come here-." he said. "Something troubles you, What brings you here?" a spirit with a deeper voice asked. "In the living world, things have gone bad. The world might be going into another war soon... yesterday, I saw Korra, and decided I should come here and try to contact her-, I feel like she wants to talk to me." he said.

The spirits all began to walk quicker, starting to lead the way for him. "Follow us, we know someone who can help!" a high pitched voice said. Meruan listened to them, and began to jog, following the spirits.

He soon found himself walking through tall grass, trying to maneuver his way through them and not get lost. The smell of something great hit Meruans nose, and it helped guide him through the grass. When he walked out, he saw a man sitting down at a table, pouring tea into a cup.

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