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Meruan ran out of the diner, stumbling on his own steps. "Yang! Come on! We gotta get back to the Island!" he said looking behind him, using air to boost himself up to a rooftop, Yang behind him. "We have to get back to the Island!" Yang said. The two of them stood on the roof, and saw everyone in the streets, all in the same confused fear.


The tattooed man and a short, white haired woman stood together, as the man pressed the button to fire a missile.


"Get those troops deployed, switch up! We gotta move!" yelled a man, troops getting in jets and helicopters. The jets provide any air support and watch over it. As they took off, the base was left with minimal soldiers.

The base began to shake, and everyone at the base looked around in confusion. All of a sudden, two missiles were fired, and a private ran to the radio and screamed. "WHO THE FUCK CALLED FOR THE MISSILES! TWO MISSILES HAVE LAUNCHED FROM THE BASE! WE DON'T KNOW WHERE THEY'RE HEADED!" he yelled.

"What! We didn't order any missiles! Send word to the embassy now!" another man on the radio called.


In the communication room, people scrambled around, trying to get the lines straightened out and cleared, in hopes that someone could explain what was going on. In the next room, on the map that monitored airborne objects on the planet, the two new missiles showed up as unidentified blips. By now, they knew the last blip was a missile, and now the people at the embassy went into a panic,

"Shit! Send a warning out to all the world leaders, two missiles in the air, heading to two different locations!" the man on the radio said. The woman next to him watched where they were going, and saw one was heading in the direction of Republic City. "Get Wyn on the line, lockdown Republic City, one is on it's way there!"


Meruan and Yang had arrived back at Air Temple Island, running up the steps to head to the courtyard. Kuru and White Lotus officers with her. "Yang! Meruan!" she said, seeing the teens run to her. She saw the look of fear on their faces as they caught their breath. "Bae Sing Sae! The missile-, what, what's going on?!" Meruan asked with urgency. "Nobody knows, Wyn is trying to get to the bottom of it right now." Kuru replied, walking with the teens as they headed inside.

Wyn was jogging down the hall. "Wyn!" Meruan called out. "Boy! Stay here, and be ready, defend the island!" he said. "Wyn, what the fuck is going on?!" Meruan asked, knowing that cursing would catch his full attention. "There is a missile coming in the direction of the city, we put out an emergency warning and we're getting people underground! What's important is that we save as many people as we can, do your part, and stay here!" Wyn said, running to the courtyard.

He jumped onto the water and made it into ice. He made his way to the mainland of the city, water helped him up to the docks. Police sirens blared off in the city, people rushing to get into the subway stations.

Back at the embassy, people were trying to figure out the destination of the other missile. "Narrow down the locations, it could be going to Zaofu." a woman said. "No no, it's heading straight, it's not making any turns yet..."

The man looked ahead at the map, and his eyes widened. "Fucking hell, it's going to the Fire Nation!" he said, his hands being put on his head. "Why would the Earth Kingdom fire back right away?!" another person called out in the room. Commotion building up. "How are they firing back? One of them is going to Republic City!""

The entire room got louder and louder, it was an all out mess, with no order, and nobody knew what to do.

Back in the boat with Ryoka and the blonde woman, they saw the missile zoom by over their heads, going in the opposite direction as the first one. The boat they were on hit Earth Kingdom land, as they stepped off, they stretched their body out. "Let's get to the nearest village, we can see how the world is reacting." she began to walk, yawning, tired after such a long ride.


Meruan and Yang stood on top of the viewpoint roof, looking at the city. Meruan heard a projectile, turning around to see the missile coming. "NO!" he said, jumping up and boosting up with air. "Meruan, NO!" Yang yelled. Meruan flew up, and shot a fire blast at the missile, in an attempt to blow it up before it hit anything.

People were still evacuating, those in the area could see the missile coming, and Meruans attempt. It didn't work, and slowly Meruan started to fall, and on his way down, he saw the missile fly into, and blow up a building, the top half of it began to fall to the ground. His eyes widened.

Wyn saw the building falling as well-, knowing that there were people in that area, even underground too, that the building was about to fall on top of them all.

Inside the subway station, people were unsuspecting, before the debri fell into the station, it began to collapse on the innocent people, trapping some inside, some being trapped underneath the debri, but most being killed as it fell on top of them.

Meruan saw the building plummet into the ground, right before he was hit by air, getting sent to the side, snapping him out of the shocked trance, as he water bended what was beneath him, softening his fall. Eventually landing in the water, he started to sink down. His body still in shock, his mind in disbelief. He witnessed something he never saw before. He saw lives end right before his eyes, he tried to save them, but couldn't.

Sinking down more, he looked down and saw something. A glowing blue figure. "Korra?" he tried to speak, but foolishly, the water came straight into his mouth, and he tried to swim back up. Wyn came in on ice, grabbing Meruan quickly, and moving to a nearby boat. He rested Meruan down, trying to help him get the water out. "Boy! Stay with me!" Wyn said, helping Meruan cough up the water.

"Fuck!" Meruan said, coughing more. He broke down right away. Everything that was happening so quickly, what he had seen, it all sank onto him, quite literally. "Fuck, I-, the people, I couldn't... I couldn't stop it!" Meruan held his head, the tears came down hard as he began to sob, laying back in the boat. Wyn pulled him into a hug, trying to comfort him.

"I need answers right now! Why were our missiles fired, who fired them, and why can we not get through to anyone?!" asked a man. The building they were in was high, and could see the entirety of the capital.

"Fire Lord Roku, our comms have been scrambled, we can't contact the embassy about anything, we don't even have a connection to the web! This was an inside job, it had to be, nobody authorized the firing of the missiles!" his advisor pleaded. "Have you taken into consideration a cyber attack? If nobody was in the damn control room when the missiles were fired, somebody has to be controlling them!" Roku said with anger.

They looked out the window, and saw something heading right for them. "What is that?" the advisor stood up. "Oh... NO!" The building they were in would get hit by a missile, the top floor blowing up and killing everyone inside of it on impact, the explosion would send debri flying everywhere, and the building began to topple down sideways, citizens in the area running away.

The attacks were now complete. Several nations were affected. Bae Sing Sae's upper ring was attacked, and multiple people in that sector were dead. The people in Republic City, countless innocent lives were lost in the collapse of the building. And in the Fire Nation. The Fire Lord killed in the strike, with the capitol attacked, an unknown number of people dead from the falling debris. One thing was certain. The world was about to be shot into an unbalance, a newfound fear and uncertainty now roamed over the globe.

To Be Continued....

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