Chapter Three- BUSTED

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Meruan was in an interrogation room, handcuffed and annoyed. He looked at the time, and saw he had been waiting for hours for an officer, or anybody to come and see him.

He had dozed off, and about half an hour later, the door to the room opened up. A tall, muscular, dark skinned man entered the room. "Wake up, Avatar." he said with a stern voice, but to no avail. Meruan was fast asleep, which made the man angry, as he slammed his fist on the table, Meruan shot up. "I said wake your bitchass up!"

Meruan had a tired, confused look, quickly remembering why he was here. "Oh... um... hello-, sorry about that sir." Meruan said. "Who-, who are you now?" he asked. "Chief of Police, David," he replied. "And you motherfucker, done stepped in some shit, deep neck shit." he said to Meruan. "How-, wait what? What did I do wrong? I stopped the train, and saved everyone on it! It was gonna derail if I didn't do anything!" Meruan pleaded out.

"Grand Theft Auto is a crime kid. Going on a high speed chase with the cops?" David said, raising his eyebrow. "Oh right, I did steal the bike... but, the chase was like, a minute." Meruan was cut off by the Chiefs grunting, and he slammed his fist on the table again. "That's not the point motherfucker! Plus that's not even the worst thing you did. Look, I'm not fucking stupid kid, and though we may have never met, I knew about you, more people know about you than you think. And what I do know is that your existence was supposed to be kept a secret." he said, crossing his arms.

"But-, how? Wait-, that doesn't explain how everyone knows i'm the Avatar specifically, your guys only saw me earthbend, the train was stopped from airbending-." Meruan was confused, trying to trace back his steps. "Drones caught you airbending onto the bridge to begin with. Then they saw you earthbend the cops out of the way, and pieced that last part together with the train being airbender too. None of the passengers were airbenders, so that leaves only you as that prime suspect." David sat across from Meruan.

"Look kid, you did a helluva job stopping the train. I give you the credit, those people wouldn't be here without you right now. But you've put yourself into a heap of shit. The media and news is gonna get a hold of this. And while they don't know who you are, while they don't know who Meruan is, they know that the Avatar is here."

"Yeah, but why is this a bad thing? Crime has been going up like crazy in the city, I have to help somehow. It doesn't make sense for me to sit on the sidelines while people die, and I could be doing something about it." Meruan looked down, his eyes trailed to a cup of water that was on the table. Overthinking about what was about to come, and what could happen.

"Crime isn't gonna go anywhere regardless. You can't jeopardize your life on the front lines, and risk getting killed, you may be the Avatar, but you're still just what-, a fourteen year old kid? People are fucking ruthless, and there are dangerous motherfuckers in this very city, who will do everything and anything to play dirty, get to you, and make sure you don't walk away from that encounter alive."

The two could hear a knock on the door, and it opened up, an officer there to speak. "Chief David, Commander Wyn is here to see the boy." said the officer. "Let 'em in." David stood up, and met Wyn at the door. "Chief, good to see you as always." Wyn said, looking at Meruan, who put his head down in embarrassment. "If you don't mind, I'll be taking Meruan back to the island now." Wyns' eyes moved back to David, who nodded. "Get him out of my hair, please. I've done enough babysitting for one day." David went over and uncuffed Meruan, allowing him to stand up. "I'll see you around, kid."

Meruan walked down the hall with Wyn, still embarrassed to be in the situation. "Can I at least get my mask back?" Meruan asked. "No." Wyn said coldly.

Meruan and Wyn arrived back at Air Temple Island via boat, and Meruan was greeted with lots of people waiting for him. "Meruan, you're an idiot!" Wang called out first, as he stepped off the boat. "Trust me I know.." she ran up to him and gave him a punch on the shoulder. "But what you did today was fucking awesome!" She was excited. 'Don't get me wrong though, you're still an idiot." she laughed.. Meruan looked at Kuru, and the White Lotus behind her, then looked right back down. He knew he was going to get lectured, and wasn't looking forward to it.

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