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Fighter jets flew in the direction of Ba Sing Sae. Slowly, they'd descend below the clouds and the city came into sight on the horizon. "In sight. Ready weapons, spread out, attack the upper ring." A pilot said.

At the sight of the Palace, people roaming the grounds saw the jets coming, pointing to them. "RUN!" someone yelled, the first lead jet flew over the city walls, and flew in a straight line following the tram, straight up to the old Palace. Once the jet hit the upper ring, it dropped bombs in a bombing run, fifteen bombs fell out, all of the landing and blowing up straight to the palace, ten bombs hit the tram line, debri falling into the upper ring, three bombs hit the palace grounds, and two hit the actual palace building.

Inside, the building shook, the President inside stood up. "What was that?!" He looked around. Him, and his advisors ran outside, and saw the other fighter jets, as they spread out and began to drop bombs on the upper ring. "OH NO!" the president said. "We need to get our troops!" We need more!" an advisor said. "We can't get any, our coms are down, they won't make it in time!"

Inside a jet, the pilot saw the president and his people standing around. "President in sight. He's done." The jet came up, going as high as it could before it stalled out, then it began a nose dive, the engine revving up as it flew down. The jet's bomb compartment opened up, and few dropped out. The pilot opened the cockpit, and he jumped out, using fire to boost up to the roof of the palace. As he planned, the jet slammed right down, and combined with the bombs, a huge explosion followed.

The smoke cleared out, and the man turned around-, he had a blue spirit mask on. He looked down, and saw the remains of the bodies, the president specifically had his body in a burnt crisp, dismembered as well. The man turned around, and from another side, saw two cargo planes in the distance. "It's the Republic Armies." he said to himself.

Inside one of the planes, Wyn and his men got ready to jump. "4500xRay, do you have eyes on the Com Tower?" Wyn asked. "2100xAay we have eyes on it, confirm." the pilot said. "Blow it up. I want our firebenders on that plane to blow up the tower, once that's down, toss up three Web Drones, combined they can get some comms up for the city. The rest of you men, get ready for a bailout!"

Wyn and his soldiers all headed to the cargo bed, as it opened up, the soldiers from both planes jumped out, as instructed, the firebenders on the second plane shot at the Com Tower that stood on top of a building in the Upper Ring, combined, they all shot at it, the fire connecting and setting it blaze. Once the structure weakened, it began to collapse. Earth Kingdom soldiers ran and earth bended some rocks to hold the power up from falling on the streets.

Wyn landed down, and saw the fire nation jets still in the air, circling around. He used a grappling hook to help himself up to a good vantage point, and once he got on a roof, he saw the damage that had been done from the bombs, the tram system destroyed, and the palace slowly collapsing in certain areas.


At the Oasis.

Pandora had turned on the TV, her and her group looking at what was happening. "Just as predicted." she said, seeing the jets swarm. "When are we gonna make the announcement?" Mirage asked. "Tonight. Whatever carnage they cause on themselves now is on them, but so far, everything is going according to plan. Let's move."

"Oh... god..." Wyn and the soldiers walked to the front of the palace. He saw the remains of the president and all his advisors. He looked up at the man in the blue spirit mask. "What is the meaning of this?!" He looked up at the man, who had jumped from where he was, using fire to help him land. "The Fire Nation was not going to take their attack lying down. They killed our leader, we killed theirs. Plain and fucking simple. Sorry we're not the pacifist you motherfuckers are."

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