Chapter Six- Questions.

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Meruan had been in a deep sleep. After coughing up the water and sobbing his tears away, he passed out. He was with himself, in his dark array of thoughts, to which he felt the same feeling he felt all along. Fear. That same moment replayed in his head like a movie. Watching that building collapse, and watching people die. People he tried to save, he desperately heaved the fire blast at the missile. But he couldn't do anything about it.

When he started sinking in the water, it was a form of himself submitting. He felt like a failure at that moment, he didn't even want to help himself out. That's when he saw...Korra. Still in his dream, he saw another blue figure. As he walked to it, it walked away, as if it was leading him somewhere.

He would soon shoot up from his sleep, as he woke up, he quickly looked around the room, breathing fast, but he quickly calmed down. He was placed in an empty room to rest, left alone. He got up and started to walk, feeling slightly dizzy. He glanced to his right, looking out the window, and seeing the city, the night sky. But instead of vibrant life, there was that uncomfortable, unsettling feeling. Then again, the moment played in his head, and he collapsed to the floor. "Argh!"

Yang opened up the door to the room, and called his name. "Meruan!" she went over, helping her friend up and wrapping an arm around him, helping him walk out of the room. "Yang..." he looked at her, closing his eyes and fighting tears, "Let it out Mer." she said, rubbing his back. She pulled him into a hug, and more tears came flowing down Meruans eyes. "I can't stop thinking about it-, I couldn't save them, I tried! I should've been able to!" he said.

"You tried Meruan, you tried your hardest. And this won't be how this story ends, when we get to the bottom of this, I am more than certain, whoever did this shit is gonna pay." Yang said, Meruan gently pulling away from the hug. "Fuck, I hate this... I knew I wanted Avatar responsibilities, but this, this... fuck!" he walked down the hall, Yang by his side. "I have to see Jinora... I have to speak with her." Meruan said. "Come on then." Yang led the way, wrapping her arm around her to help him walk again.

The teens made their way to a room at the end of a hall, knocking on the door, before sliding it open. There they saw the now very elderly Jinora, in a chair. Spirit animals surrounded her, both Meruan and Yang looked at them. The animal closest to Jinora rubbed on the woman, and woke her up-, catching her attention. Seeing the troubled look on both of their faces, she was already aware of what had happened.

"Come. Sit, both of you." she asked, letting the two sit across from, pulling up chairs. "Jinora, please... I need your help, your knowledge on something..." Meruan said, holding his head up as he looked down. He wanted to get his thoughts straight, trying to think about the chain of events without having a panic attack, or feeling any pain when it did cross his mind.

"This is still a very new wound for you Meruan." she said. "It would be absurd to think you can walk this pain off, when it happened mere hours ago." she continued. "What knowledge do you seek?" she asked. "Your knowledge on spirits. Or rather the spirit world-, today... when I fell in the water... I saw Korra. She didn't say anything to me, but she looked at me... and today in a dream, when I passed out. It's like she was trying to lead me somewhere..."

"She's trying to contact you." Jinora said. "How do I contact her?" Meruan asked. She turned her attention, raising a finger and pointing to a window. "The Portal. There... go to the spirit world. There, you are more connected spiritually than you are in the living realm. You can meditate, and contact your past life there."

"And what if I can't?" Meruan asked, looking at Jinora with all the curiosity on the topic he could have. "Sometimes you find things in the spirit world... that you didn't know you were looking for. No trip there is ever for nothing." she gave him a reassuring smile.

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