Part 1: Orphanage

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It was moving—lazily; for it had all the time the higher deities could offer. Slithering in this nothingness, the seven headed serpent made its way through the void to meet the two-faced goddesses.

The goddesses were two sides of the same coin. They resembled the balance of the fetal world. Ceana; later known as the Goddess of the sun; was the fair side of the coin. Cizelle; Later known as the Goddess of the moon; was the antithesis of Ceana.

The serpent went on with its desires. It delineated a world with light and darkness, a place where life and death correlate, and anything that lifts this eternal silence.

Ceana was exhilarated with the idea, and even went on with more colorful ideas; ones a snake could never think of. Cizelle was enraged; She argued with her sister until they split into two different persons. With that, Ceana was free to grant the wish.

She transformed each and every head into a planet. Seven planets in total, and each one is more bizarre than the other. But planet Tellus was the most bizarre of all.

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