1. Childhood

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As she laid curled up in her bed, Kathea contemplated her mother's necklace; not bothering to wipe the tears strolling down her face. "Kathea, are you okay?", breathed Iliana, her roommate, into the darkness.

"No", she answered back, whimpering.

The rustle of sheets, and slowly descending footsteps echoed in the nearly empty room. Iliana was climbing out of her bunkbed to check on her friend. But it was too dark; so Kathea, with her night vision, was able to locate the candle stick right beside the door. With one movement of her finger she sent a small flame to light it up.

"Oh, thank you!"

Iliana sat on Kathea's bed, and stared at her with innocent russet eyes.

"I always wonder how you could do that!", she cheered trying to lift up the mood, "I can't believe there is a whole continent with people like you!". Kathea couldn't help but huff a laugh.

"Too bad our kind is hated", she said bitterly.

"Well I don't", said Iliana as she placed her warm hand over Kathea's tear drenched palm.

"I really miss my mom", she rubbed the strange letters on the necklace. Once upon a time she was able to read those letters; the only thing she knows was that a couple of those letters are the same ones used to spell her name.

"That was six years ago, I barley remember mine. I wish I could at least remember her voice"

"But I do, and I wish I could go back", she held back her tears a bit, "Maybe she is still alive. And my dad too"

 "We can't leave the orphanage unless we get adopted, or turn eighteen", she said with a sad smile. "Come on, let's go watch sunrise together. It might cheer you up a bit".

It would have been more convenient if they could go for a walk, but that was impossible. They were not allowed to go outside without permission, even though the premise was surrounded by a huge wall and a gateway. Their only option was to watch from a certain hallway window.

"Hey, isn't that Daemon??", said Iliana, "What is he doing in the Hell Director's garden??"

Mrs. Patricia, is the High Director of the orphanage, and she is not very well loved by everyone.

"Is he suicidal? Everyone knows what happens if you step into that garden."

"But you know, Daemon got there. And I would really love to see the birds—"

"No, Iliana. And Daemon's a creep."

"Please, you know how much I love birds", she kept nagging until she gained approval. But only for a couple of minutes.

When they got there, Daemon was nowhere in sight. Which was weird, and nearly creeped out the girls. If he had left the garden, they should have ran into him on his way out. But dawn was now breaking, and silence was cut by the neat chirping of birds.

"Hey Iliana". Iliana turned her attention to Kathea, "I wanted to show you this new trick I've learned"

As Kathea rubbed her fingers together, tiny, fluffy, snow balls lumped over the Camelia flowers. The breathtaking view left Iliana with her mouth shaped in a mid-wow, but then it widened further as she saw what laid beneath the bushes.

A weak Dunnock was lying on the grass with a broken wing. Iliana held the poor thing, and watched its futile struggle against her touch.


Mrs. Patricia's chilling voice muted the peaceful chirping of the morning birds, but not the rapid melody of fear that now took hold of the girl's hearts. As far as it was known, it was the hell director's favorite sonata.

Iliana immediately tucked the bird into her worn gown's pocket, and strode to the office. Kathea in tow.

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