34. Insight

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Shoutout to my fellow fan THEKODAK7! Check out his story My Command Days!

A storming headache pounded him into consciousness. His body was wrapped up in different places, and his right wing no longer looked distorted. One of the Nagas handed him a bowl of water in which he saw his reflection. His pale blonde hair was facing every direction, and his face looked swollen. At least his skin was a little bit rosy, thanks to the fire that was build beside him. These people were too kind; the fire was obviously for him since it was early morning and they were already up and doing some pushups.

"Good morning", he greeted them.

"Good morning to you too, sir", replied Iliana, breathing heavily from the workout.

"Call me Danielle", he cheerfully stated as he met her light brown eyes. Iliana found herself staring at his peculiar eyes. The pupil is split in a vertical line, but the line was far from a perfect straight line. It looked like three black dots were connected with a black line. Out of this uncanny pupil, the iris was even more jaw-dropping. Thread like strings divaricate his baby blue iris. Surrounding all that is a normal white sclera. "Iliana?"

"Oh sorry, yeah sure", she answered curtly.

"So Danielle", said Aryan as he placed his hand on the dragon's shoulder, "Care to tell us how you got into this pitiful situation?". Harsh words, but soldiers are used to it.

"In fact I was aching to speak. I need your help, we need to find the queen. The Valkens are in a terrible situation.", he pleaded.

"I'm listening".

They all gathered around him as he began storytelling.

" Y'all remember Logyn back when he was a little earth snake?", asked Danielle. Aryan and Darren nodded in agreement.

"I'm sorry who?", inquired Iliana. 

"Logyn is the basilisk king that you aim to defeat", he explained. "I'll start from the beginning for your sake."

"Logyn was one of the Nagas, and I am sure you know by now how hard camp life is. Well, he was always behind, and a weakling. He surprisingly managed a full shift, but he was the smallest of all serpents. Everyone knew who he was, even us Valkens. But no one saw his betrayal. I'm not sure how he did it, I was a kid at the time, but he just showed up out of the blue as a huge giant. One of us spotted him while taken flight, and went in to warn us. But nothing prepared us for that day. I remember my mother rushing in the watch tower, trying to wake me up, and then a huge tail smashes our watch tower. We survived. But after the mass destruction, and after rising to the throne, he took delight in twisting our wings. We became nothing but servants, unable to fly, and shackled. There are some folks there that had never taken flight in their lives. And we're not the only specie working for him. We need to defeat Logyn at any cost. I know the layout of the castle we should go there as soon as I recover! I-"

"Danielle, hold up." said Aryan. "Are you saying that that beast alone is handling many thousands of trained troops by himself?"

"Correct. Well not thousands, at least not anymore. There are only a few Valkens left Aryan! Only thirty six". Aryan swore.

"What about Nagas, and Furie citizens?"

"Very few Nagas are there. It's easier for them to escape despite them being the reason he sought this kind of power in the first place. He seems to enjoy breaking our will. He treats them even better than us."

"He's showing them who's the boss. There is nothing more terrifying than looking at the Valkens and thinking 'this is what he could let me be any minute', and knowing that you are breathing by his permission only", informed Darren.

"You said he took over the castle, what about Kathea's parents?", asked Iliana. Danielle was surprised that she just mentioned her first name with any honorifics, but she later explained that they lived together.     

"I don't think they survived dear", Darren cut in. Iliana looked down. Kathea had some hope.

"Darren, lead Danielle back to out camp so he may recover. Iliana and I need to commence our search.". Ordered Aryan.

"No, please", pleaded Danielle. "Allow me to aid you in your search, it would be an honor to rescue our queen"

"You are ill and you will only hinder our progress-"

"Please Aryan. You said it yourself we heal fast, I want to be of help!"

"I can practice healing magic on him", joined Iliana. "Darren said the ring only amplifies one's slumbering potentials. Imagine what a great asset that would be if I could heal you guys"

Aryan finally agreed. After that, they spent time searching by day, and Iliana attempting to heal Danielle by night.

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