Birthday Surprise 2

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Third Person's Point Of View

Six of them are now having some chit chat backstage while preparing for their concert fifteen minutes from now.

Jimin is still changing his outfit  while the staffs are all busy so they had time to talk about their plan later.

"So..."Taehyung tone down his voice making sure that it'll be just them who's going to hear it."Where are they now Hobi Hyung?"he asked.

"Yeah,Are they here now?"Seokjin added who's busy earlier fixing his 'handsome face' in front of the huge mirror.

Hoseok opened his phone and started to scroll up something."Yes,Y/N just texted me.They're here now."He answered then closed his phone and gave it to their manager who just passed by.

"That's good,The venue is also perfect now They just have to wait for our call later."The oldest said that makes them all nod.

Namjoon crossed his arms."How about Serenity?Are they on the venue now?"

Jungkook nodded."Yes hyung.Aunt Park just called me a while ago."

"Well,The plan is going perfectly---"

Yoongi immediately stopped Seokjin from continuing his sentence when he saw Jimin coming to their direction.

"DON'T say anything,He's coming."Yoongi mumbled but enough for them to understand.

They started to line up secretly panicking as their oldest throws random topics to avoid mentioning the plan.Especially their friend,Hoseok who can't lie to anyone and might spill their surprise any time.

"Hold on"Seokjin said as he grab their attention.

"What do we call a bee if it comes from America?"He then asked.Yoongi shook his head while the others are starting to think for the answer.

'Here we go again...'He said in his mind.

"What??"The four asked.

"USB"Seokjin answered as he started to laugh so hard that even got some tears formed in his eyes.

Hoseok was still in his deep thoughts while Jungkook crossed his arms as he gave up thinking How on earth did it became USB!

"Okay,I don't get it.Next joke please."Hoseok said as he also gave up on his thoughts now,Same with the others who didn't even laugh at all.

"Same,Didn't get it hyung."

"Aish,That's the easiest one!"He protested but sighed when he noticed that his friends really don't get it."Okay...I'll think something again."

Jimin on the other hand was silently sitting on the chair near his friends who's busy ignoring him.He opened his phone earlier before coming here hoping that his family will greet him but sadly,None of them did even his own mother.

"I know!"Seokjin snapped his fingers."Why is the stadium so cold right now??"

Their friends started to think again but then Yoongi interrupted them.

"Duh?Because it has a lot of fans."He answered as he tapped their shoulders.

"Yah!Why did you-----"Seokjin was in the urge of bursting out his anger when yoongi interrupted him AGAIN.

"Come on,We need to go now."He pulled Hoseok and Jungkook who's now sulking at the corner for not being able to answer.

Seokjin sighed."Aish,Just be thankful I'm so handsome today to scold you."

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