Pinky Promise#5

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Jimin's Point Of View

While the event organizer is having a discussion about Taehyung and his fiancé upcoming wedding the adorable little girl named Serenity fell asleep on my arms.

I caressed her hair and stared at her.I wonder who's her father...

When the event organizer left to get the samples for the designs of their wedding Taehyung's fiancé looked at me.

"What's wrong?"i asked her.

"Why don't you go find your the one and build a family?You are not getting any younger Jimin."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean look at you,As you played and take care of Serenity i think you are more than ready to be a father."

"No,I can't."

"Huh?And why is that?"

"Nothing, It's just i have no time for that."i lied, It's all because of her.I can't marry someone else because for me she's the only one who can be my wifey.No one can replace her in my heart,No one.

"Geez Jimin,You are so workaholic."

"Yep, It's me."


We stayed there for almost two hours and Serenity was still sleeping up until now.We are now outside the bulding when the event organizer spoke.

"Sir, I'm sorry about the misunderstanding earlier.Serenity just missed her father that's why."

I smiled."No it's okay, It's not a big deal."

Taehyung's fiancé interfere to the conversation."Can i ask where is Serenity's father?"

I saw the event organizer stopped.

"I-I'm s-sorry but we have no idea where h-he i-is."

"Aww, That's so sad to hear.Anyways,We have to go now.See you again Miss Lucy."
Taehyung's fiancé waved her hand at her before leaving.


When i finally arrived at our private office here in Bighit Building Taehyung smiled at me.

"Thanks for accompanying her Jimin."he said.

"Yah, It's okay."I sat down and stared at my wallpaper.

It was me and Serenity.While we were playing earlier we took some selfies together and i can't help myself but to adore her cuteness.

"She's so cute,Who is she?"i stilled when i saw Taehyung and the rest standing behind me and looking at my phone.

I immediately turned off my phone.

"Is she your daughter?I mean she looks exactly like you Jimin."Hyung Namjoon asked.

"No.I met her at Taehyung's wedding organizer's office and when she saw me earlier she thought i was her father."


"Maybe she's your daughter."

"No,You know that's impossible Hyung.She left me that day so it's really impossible if we had a kid."

Maybe it was just a mistaken identity.

Stop hoping Jimin, It's way too impossible.


                    End Of Chapter


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