32 | More To It | Spot

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It all comes down to this. Well...there's more, obviously, haha--but until then, here's this. It's from Spot's perspective because he has the least perspectives in this, so I wanted to get more in his thoughts before it's gonna have to be from a certain perspective. If I write this correctly, then this should be wild. Enjoy! :)

Jack clenches his fist.

Right across from them all are the two that had made life so much harder recently.

I am going to make them pay, Spot vows silently.

"We have ya right where we want ya," Morris sneers.

"Why we here in the first place?" Race spat. "You two failed to answer that. I thought it was only your hygiene that stank, but turns out it's your communication that stinks too."

Morris snarls at Race.

Spot grabs on to Race's hand. He's mine, he tries to convey with his eyes with all his might. You'll have to come through me to get him.

The tensions between everyone is palpable.

"Why?" David asks simply. That seems to take everyone aback, even though it is a good question.

Leave it to Davey to be a diplomat. Even after being locked up for nearly a week. That's something to be admired. Never in a million years could I be like that.

"Answer him, Oscar," Jack tells the mean-eyed Delancey brother. And he means it.

Oscar sniffs. "You really think you guys have the higher ground?"

"Who could leave here right now and lock you all in?" Morris adds.

Oscar elbows him. "I'm doing the talking."

Everyone rolls their eyes.

(Homophobia coming right up, sadly)

Oscar turns back to the four, glaring. "You're what's wrong with the world. You know that, right? You and you--" he points at Jack and David, "and you and you." He points to Spot and Race. "It's not right. Guys who love guys poison the world. You don't belong here. Any of you."

"So why not just confront us?" Jack interrupts. "It'd save a lot of time."

"Well what's the fun in that?" Oscar challenges. "You and Spot needed to feel loss. Loss after you won that little strike of yours."

"Nothin' about that was little," Jack counters. "We beat good ol' Joe." Then, looking right in the eyes of the kidnapper with an incremented monologue, says firmly, "but now I think we misjudged him. He don't seem to be the worst of our problems. I'm beginnin' to think...it might just be you. But make no mistake. We defeated The World. So what makes you think you and your twin are going to stop us?"

You tell 'em, Jack, Spot praises silently. He has no threats to add of his own. Yet. This still is his fight. But not yet. He needs answers. And when he gets those answers, and he doesn't like them...or doesn't start getting them soon...that's when the fists come out.

"Because it's our word against yours." Oscar smiles maliciously. "If we tell everyone we saw not one, but two pairs of boys kissing, what would the world do to you? What would the world do to the leader of the Brooklyn newsies? What would the world do to the leader of the Manhattan newsies? More importantly, what would the newsies do to the leaders of the newsies?" He lets it sink in. "Yeah. No lodging house will take you in. No newsie will be your friend. No newspaper company would let you sell their papes. You'd be a newsie who couldn't sell papes. You'd be disowned by the newspaper world. And no one would ask why, because they would know. They would know that you got disgraced because you just turned out to be two-"

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