34 | Moment Of Despair | Spot

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Bear with me with the titles, okay? They'll get better, don't worry. Well. If I did writing correctly, I left you in a mess after how the last chapter ended! So here's to find out what happens next. Enjoy! :)

David is still unconscious on the floor. The Delanceys have a malicious look in their eyes. Oscar, even though he hasn't put his finger on the trigger yet, has not yet moved the cold metal from the side of Race's head. They know that they've won. Snyder stands back, watching it all fall into place. 

"What'll it be, Cowboy?" Weasel sneers.

Jack bites his lip.

Spot, for one, can't think straight. They have Race. That's the only thought that goes through his head. They have Race. They have Race. They have Race.

"Decide before I do something to your friend here," Oscar snarls. He tightens his grip on Race, and presses the gun even closer. It's impossible to read Race's expression.

"If I give you the newsies turf of Manhattan, and leadership of the newsies, like you want," Jack says as calmly as he can in the situation, "will you let Race go?"

"Jack, I'm not worth it," Race tells him. "Get Davey. Get outta here."

"What about me, Race?" Spot cries out. "I can't leave you like this."

Race looks Spot directly in the eye. "Givin' Brooklyn to them ain't worth someone like me. What have I ever done for anyone?"

"You mean the world to me, Race." Spot blinks to hold back tears. "You mean more than Brooklyn and New York and the whole wide world combined."

Race's face softens. It's full of so much sorrow. In those deep brown eyes are regret, sorrow, but also, love. He sighs, defeated. He's already resigned himself to fully knowing that this isn't going to have a good outcome.

Where Jack is, partially bent over to look at David, partially standing upright, it's obvious that he has a whole conflict of emotions. There's David. There's Race. This is hitting him as hard as it's hitting Spot; except Jack has slightly more to lose. True, Spot doesn't want David to die. He'll keep him alive as long as he can. Jack is the one with the strong relationship with David, though. And he has a strong bond with Race, too. Longer than Spot and Race have been together.

But that doesn't make Spot love Race any less.

Maybe Spot would be nothing without Brooklyn.

But he would be even less than that if he didn't have Race.

Memories go through his head.

Spot, ten, walking around Brooklyn turf. He's been a newsie for some time now. He's working his way up.

He comes across an unfamiliar boy at Sheepshead Races.

He introduces himself as Anthony Higgins.

The next day when they meet his name is Race.

Spot, twelve, knows exactly where to find Racetrack Higgins. 

It's midday, with many rounds of races today.

He waits for Race to come out.

And tries to ignore the warm feelings he has when Race's face brightens up when he sees him.

Spot, fourteen, is pretty much the leader of Brooklyn by now. He's worked his way up in the world.

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