1. Moving to a new place

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I'm sorry for contributing something this random to the fandom here. Sitting outside I had the idea of "What if Will's family moves into a new place and their neighbour unintentionally distracts him by just standing outside shirtless?" And a new idea is born. I had to type it out, and then it developed into even more than just a funny random idea. Buckle up readers, because I hope to take you on a ride there.

Also I usually write too lengthy chapters, so I keep them shorter but the updates more frequent.

Their new place is a smaller house in the downtown, affordable and spacious. A real lucky find. The Moriarty family is carrying their boxes into the still empty rooms. A few of their furniture is already in their place.

"Put this one down here, brother." Louis takes a box off Will's hands and puts it next to the others with the label "Kitchen" on them.

"There aren't too many outside left, good work!" Albert carries another box behind him and puts them down in the living room next to the Kitchen.

"Damn, I underestimated how much stuff we have gathered over the years. We should have been sorting out more stuff beforehand." comments Will and scans the room. A bit chaotic, it's just one stack after another stack of moving boxes, but at least this will look like their home in a few days again.

"Here's some juice, you deserved this one." Their friend James carries a tray with glasses of juice on them.

Everyone enjoys the moment of calmness and exchange exhausted looks.

"Glad we were able to find something this quickly. This is almost the perfect place." comments Albert and looks very proudly at the others, since he is the one who got them their new flat.

Louis already starts to move around their stuff and so his brothers follow his example. There is still much to do and the sooner they clean everything up, the better.

It's evening, the street lamps turn on and illuminate the small garden in the back. Nothing too big, but with some work it can be turned into a small garden and a place to enjoy the peace of nature a bit, at least as much as one can do in a garden in a city.

Will puts up the hammock and peaks over to their neighbour, the lights are still on. Behind the curtains he can make out a male figure. Maybe he should introduce himself and the brothers tomorrow.

"Everything alright out there? I've got some potted plants we can put outside as well." Louis carries them outside and puts down the box.

"Better do that tomorrow. Let's relax for the evening." tells Will his brother and shoves him inside again, before he can start working in the garden again. He's a hard worker and diligent, but sometimes he just does too much in the household for him alone.

"Alright, we put up the beds so we can sleep well tonight." In the kitchen Albert still moves their dishes into the cabinet.

"You too, brother. Let's call it a day."

It's all still a mess, but at least it's their mess in their new place. Tomorrow is still another day to make it more comfortable.

"Here, put this one there." Will takes the plant Louis gives to him and softly places it into the ground before him. Louis insisted on planting them already, while Albert moved the stuff inside.

"That's the last one, thank you." Both wipe off the sweat off their foreheads, the sun is burning down their necks.

"Maybe we should have been waiting until the afternoon, where the sun isn't this bad yet." Will falls exhausted on the grass and feels the sun burning into every inch of his body.

He can see the house of their neighbour, today there is someone outside on the balcony. Will squints his eyes to make out more of the person standing outside. Is...is there really this absolutely good looking man standing outside, his shirt off without any shame?

He quickly sits up and yes, his eyes didn't deceive him. A young man with black hair tied together, his stature more lean than muscular is smoking his cigarette, while looking somewhere else far away. Suddenly their eyes meet and Will can feel his cheeks burning up, being caught staring at someone half naked on the balcony isn't exactly one of the things he wants to have done.

The man waves him and puts out his cigarette, leaning over the ceiling to look at them closer.

Fuck, well what now?

"Hey, we are the new neighbours!" Louis comes in clutch as he greets him and waves to him.

"I see, if you want to come over for introductions, i'll be right there!" he shouts over to them. Does he have absolutely no shame? It's not too bad, but it irritates Will a little bit admitettely.

"Let's go and say hello. Go get Albert as well." tells his brother to him and slips inside.

Well, gotta face this one straight ahead. He cleans the grass off his clothes and follows his brother.

The sound of the doorbell is the only thing they hear, followed by a loud crash inside. Shortly after that the door opens. He is even more handsome up close, but to Will's disappointment he puts on a shirt. The top bottom is open, as if he just threw it on for the visitors.

"H-hello there!" Come in." their neighbour opens the door more, so he can see the small entrance filled with shoes stacked on a rack.

The living room has an old - fashioned carpeted floor, the furniture at least is a bit more modern. On a display is a violin, and a huge bookshelf behind that.

Despite the young man's first chaotic looks, everything is clean and sorted into place.

"We haven't introduced each other yet. My name is Sherlock, Sherlock Holmes."

He reaches out with his hand, so Will takes it.

"And i'm William Moriarty, and these are my brothers." 

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