3. Evil lingers in the air

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"That wraps up today's lecture!" Will closes the book and the class already gets ready to move into the break. Being a teacher is a rough job, but at least he can teach about something he is good at. Packing his stuff, an announcement is made.

"All students please leave the left wing building and make way for anyone coming through. Please stay calm and continue your lessons in the newly assigned classrooms. That's all."

Hmm, this is odd. Something must be going on, but asking the other teachers probably doesn't get him far. On the floor a few students pass him, whispering and gossiping why the police suddenly have to come.

But today is a lucky day, as he sees a familiar face walking up to him.

"Ah, Liam!" It's Sherlock, who has a very bright smile on his face upon seeing him here. "I forgot, you teach here."

"What even is going on, may I ask?"

"Well, I got called in for an emergency. Something critical must have happened, or else they wouldn't bother calling me in." he shrugs and they walk a bit together.

The left wing is in chaos. Students running down the stairs, some trying to see if there is something going in the stairwell, and the policemen trying to get through.

"Come with me, I'll just name you my assistant. You're alright with that?"

"Oh, of course." Will hesitates no second. Solving a mystery together? This might not be their second meeting he thought they would have, but it's something memorable at least.

"Where do you need me?"

"Go left to Classroom 13-4. There should already be Lestrate investigating the situation." a Policeman shows them the way.

"Patterson, Lestrade." Sherlock greets two men standing in the doorframe to the classroom. The one with the glasses turns around to Will and scans him from head to toe intensively.

"He is my assistant for today, a very smart young man." Sherlock points at him.

Huh, smart? Damn, he can feel how he blushes but forces himself back into composure.

"I am William Moriarty, Gentlemen, nice to meet you."

"I'm Patterson and this is Lestrate." the man with the glasses points at his partner, who still scans the room ahead of him. He turns around and greets both quickly.

"What even is going on?" akss Sherlock finally and pulls Will at his sleeve closer into the door. The site ahead of them is eerie, drenched in blood there is a corpse lying on a table, the head severed which must be the cause of all the red everywhere.

"Shit..." slips through Will's lips.

"Indeed, a student called for help and is traumatized by now." explains Lestrate and pulls out a notebook and pencil.

"When did this happen? Any idea?"

Patterson lets two men from the Investigation team inside, who proceed to take DNA and secure the crime site.

"According to the student they found the teacher only minutes before calling the police. We need more data to tell more." He gives Sherlock and William a pair of gloves they have to put on. Sherlock examines the corpse in detail.
"Someone tried to sever his head with something very sharp, but they didn't completely manage to. Gruesome."

"And i see marks on the hands, they must have been trying to grip him really rough around his wrists."
"Here, the neck as well." He points to the blue spots not covered by blood.

"Someone tried to strangle him and then cut off his head? But why?"

"If all answers would come this easily, we would all have an easier job." comments Patterson who appeared behind them.

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